7 JUNE 1930, Page 3

Empire Trade The report of the Empire Marketing Board for

the year May, 1929, to May, 1930, which was issued on Monday, comes at an opportune moment, when the Chambers of Commerce of the British Empire are meeting in London. It is disappointing that the latter body should have turned its attention mainly to tariffs, though it has also passed some very practical resolutions, and has recommended better co-ordination in trading and the formation of Imperial mergers to Rationalize production. It is pleasant to know that, partly owing to the magnificent work of the Marketing Board, imports into this country from the Dominions have made new " records " in twenty-one articles, principally foodstuffs. The record of research work undertaken or assisted by the Board is also impressive. It is in reorganization independently of tariffs that the best hope for the future lies. We propose to publish next week an article by Sir Herbert Samuel on this subject.