7 JUNE 1930, Page 3

Indian Articles We publish this week a brilliantly written article

by Dr. Rabindranath Tagore, who defines the funda- mental issue of the Indian problem as one of moral strength or the mechanics of power. It is evident from his article, in spite of some sentences which are by no means hostile, that he misunderstands the aims of the British Empire in India. We may not persuade him that we are able to understand Indian aspirations, though an honest attempt is being made to do so, but we hope that he will believe that the motives of the British in India, in the past and to-day, are not as he represents them. Because we are convinced that only intelligent opinion based on understanding can cut the knot, we have arranged to publish regularly for a certain period from June 14th, a page which will be reserved for comment by writers qualified to speak for moderate Indian opinion.