20 OCTOBER 1838

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The Spectator

" I assumed the government of the North American Provinces with the predetermination to provide for the future welfare and prospelity of then: all ; never doubting that such a...

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After a long interval, accounts have been received direct from

The Spectator

the new colony of South Australia. Squabbles among officers of the Government still pestered the little community ; and until the arrival of the new Governor, Colonel GAWLER....

The Princess of Beira, sister of Don MionaL, and of

The Spectator

the late wife of Don CARLOS, has travelled through France to Navarre, to be married to Don CARLOS.

The session of the Dutch States-General was opened on Mon-

The Spectator

day, by the King of Holland in person. The Royal speech con- veys no information respecting the Belgian question. The general prosperity of the agriculture, commerce,' and...

The intelligence from the United States is not very important.

The Spectator

An election of Governor in the state of Maine created some in- terest, in consequence of its connexion with the Boundary ques- tion. Mr. KENT, the late Governor, who undertook...

ebr Court.

The Spectator

THE Queen seems to lead a very quiet life at Windsor. With the ex- ception of the perpetual Viscount Melbourne, her Majesty sees little company, not belonging to the Royal...

Intelligence to the beginning of September has been received from

The Spectator

the West Indies. The general state of affairs was improv- ing; though the conduct of the Negroes in St. Lucia, Granada, parts of Jamaica, and on some estates near Berbice,...

The French newspapers are occupied with speculations, chiefly on foreign

The Spectator

policy and the affairs of the East, possessing little novelty, and wanting the foundation of fact. It seems to be ge- nerally admitted that Louts PHILIP is desirous of...

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The Spectator

Dr. Lushington has announced to the constituency of the Tower Hamlets, that his seat will be declared vacant when Parliament meets and that he intends to offer himself for...

At a meeting of East India proprietors, on Wednesday, a

The Spectator

grant of 5,000/. to the estate (virtually to the creditors) of Mr. William Fraser, was confirmed ; after Sir Charles Forbes had declared his strong dis- approbation of the...

In a Court of Aldermen, held on Tuesday, Alderman Wilson,

The Spectator

the Lord Mayor elect, brought up the Report of the Committee on the Lord Mayor's feast in the Guildhall. He mentioned inconveniences which had arisen on former occasions from...

Irbe Cauntrn.

The Spectator

The " working men " of Hull held a meeting on Friday last week, to elect a delegate to the " National Convention." A " pleasure.fair " on the same day took away many persons who...

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led us. We have not the least doubt that on

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this occasion he tells an "ower true tale," which would apply to other counties as well as Wor- cesterehire— " We are, I mourn to confess it, bound bawl and foot by the Tories....

We have been assured, by a most respectable Liverpool corre-

The Spectator

spondent, that nothing can be more false than the statement that Lord John Russell was ill-received at Liverpool. On the contrary, wherever his Lordship went, he was most...

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The reader will remember, that the Reverend Mr. Maid, of

The Spectator

Fe- niton, iii Devenshire, refused c impliance with a mandate of the Bishop of Exeter to instruct th c Cf then of his diocese in certain parts of the Catechism, and use other...

1R'tL.\ P.

The Spectator

'1'1m NJ:lure hi71 reasserts its stetement respeethq the atteirout of the 3i inise y to patia the Lyndhurst Irish Corporation Bill in thu House ef Commons. Ey experience we know...

The Worcesters'hire Chronicle of the 4th instant contains a letter

The Spectator

from Mr. W. Acton, a roost respectable Magistrate of that county, which gives a 'saber different colour to the case mentioned in last ,e'•:pectator, wherein the Reverend Mr....

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A secood lett,r fr.,:a'AIr. Sharman Crawford, " addrossed to the

The Spectator

real frieutis of Iteli,,iotts Liberty," is interided to strt.ngthen the con- vietion that the tliffSO Ilas suffered by " the IniSnlatingennelt Of treachery of leaders," and to...

Doctor Joseph Stock, M. P. for Cashel, in a letter

The Spectator

to the Standard, denies the charge made by a correspondent of that journal, that he paid Doctor Joseph Stock, M. P. for Cashel, in a letter to the Standard, denies the charge...

A meeting in Cork on Wednesday was the most important

The Spectator

pro- ceeding that has yet taken place in regard to the report of the Railway Commissioners. At that meeting, which was attended by the leading merchants of the city, it was...

Mr. O'Connell has published a long letter to Mr. Walter

The Spectator

Savage Landor, in reply to one addressed to him by that gentleman with the view to dissuade agitation for a repeal of the Union ; the Irish Parlia- ment, Mr. Landor said, having...

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An "Old Fellow of the Royal Society" has sent the

The Spectator

following letter to the Duke of Sussex, and a copy of it for publication in the Times. We believe that what is said respecting the entertainments at Kensington is correct- .....


The Spectator

At a meeting of the Universal Suffrage Association in Glasgow, last week, it was recommended to the Mimicipal electors not to take any part in the ensuing election of Town....

The son of Dr. O'Reilly, of Ballitore, in Kilkenny county,

The Spectator

was killed on Tuesday week, under very extraordinary, or at least imper- fectly explained eh eumstances. The Kilkenny Journal gives the follow- ing particulars of the murder- "...


The Spectator

Late accounts from India mention the death of Mr. Sergeant Rough, Chief Justice of Ceylon. l'he Great Western steamer, which brought the news of Lord Dur- ham's resignation,...

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The speculations of the daily press on Canadian affairs this

The Spectator

week deserve more than usual notice. A remarkable article appeared in the Morning C1/4ronick of Wednesday, only the day before the news of Lord Durhans's resignations had...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. The Paris correspondent of the Times states, that the FrenchGovern- ment is seriously alarmed by the progress of the question of electoral reform among the National...

A deputation of the merchants connected with the commerce of

The Spectator

the Canaries waited upon Lord Glenelg, in consequence of the uneasi- ness which prevailed yesterday. The result of that interview has not exactly transpired, but we believe the...


The Spectator

BIRTHS. On the Suit inst., at Goldsborough Hall, Yorkshire, the Lady LOUISA LASCELLES, or a daughter. On the 341 inst., at 1 ngestrie, the Don. Mrs. TALBOT, Of a son. On the...

Despatches for Canada were sent off last night from the

The Spectator

Colonial or,lee.

Some idea of the importance of the news from Canada

The Spectator

may be ga- thered from the following communication in the Court Circular—. " Viscount Melbourne arrived in town at twelve o'clock yesterday, from Windsor Castle. His Lordship...

A violent storm did much damage to the shipping on

The Spectator

the United States coast, at the beginning of last month. The ship of war Penn. sylvania dragged her anchors, and went ashore opposite Navy Island, near Norfolk, where she lay...

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The Spectator

STOCK EXCKANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The torpor under which the Money Market has so long laboured, has been succeeded by a temporary return to something like activity; and we have...


The Spectator

TIIE last to keep the field, the ),Iadrigalians are the first to take it. Indeed they are, fur the most part, unable to understand wind is meant by the London season. ‘Vbat is...

In the published accounts from Lower Canada, we do not

The Spectator

find any -statement of the proceedings against Mr. Vigor by the Government of that colony ; but it is not fit that the circumstances should be sup- pressed, and we therefore...

The price of corn at Mark Lane has advanced this

The Spectator

week to the ex- -tent of 5s. a quarter. Good foreign wheat is sold for 74s. a quarter ; and the averages are again rising rapidly.

Quarterly average of the weekly liabilities and assets of the

The Spectator

Bank of England, from the 24th of July to the Rith of October- LIABILITlES. ASSETS. Circulation £10,359,000 f Securities -C22.015.000 Deposits 9,327,000 I Bullion 9,437,000 —...


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Tioirles, 13th October le t6, Sr it—In my letter from Borrisnhane I slid ..ta argil, I hope, to satisfy all who know tine, that there WAR no...


The Spectator

Arrived—At Gravesend, Oct. 15th. Rhoda, 'Nixon, from Van Diamen's (Awl; 190), S.apinas, nawEns, from ditto; and. Severn. Wake. Loin Bombay. At Deal, 13th, Jana Sheriffs. Manson....

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The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR or THE SPECTATOR. MalielleSler,:::i October leee. SIR—In your reference to the letter with which I troubled you last week, you have fallen into a misstatement of...


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF TIIE SPE(TIIITOR• Bristol, nth October Me. SIR—In concluding your notice of the Great Western Railway meeting held last week at Bristol, you remark, " If we...


The Spectator

Ti) THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Stn—Allow me to call your attention to a species of imposition which pre. veils at our theatres, and which really should not be tolerated. I...

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The Spectator

LETTER III. TO THE EDITOR OF TIIE SPECTATOR. Stn—The " Benthainic theory of government" is the last object of ettack the critic of the London and Westminster. The great...


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sin—I have for some time distrusted the Whig movement in opposition to the Corn.laws, as one metely got up to divert the masses from the...

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The Spectator

WHERE WILL THESE CHANGES TERMINATE? tr is a common apostrophe with Anti-Reform v ritera and speakers, " Where will these changes terminate?"—" When will the Radicals be...

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The Spectator

" Quininque cult." BESIDES the severe present injury to the Liberal cause, and the shock which has been given to future confidence in the profes- sions of public men, through...

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The Spectator

THE certainty that, in consequence of the dearness of bread, the approaching winter will be a season of distress to the pau- perized population of the metropolis, induces the...

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The Spectator

TIIE provincial newspapers furnish evidence that local ques- tions at present excite far more iaterest among the middle classes than general politics. The incorporation of...


The Spectator

SIIAKSPEARE'S Theatre—of course we can only mean Covent Garden iscarrying away time palm of merit and the reward of success from all competitors. The Tonpest is now added to the...

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The Spectator

THESE volumes contain the narrative of a journey from London to Tehran, and of a subsequent excursion through various parts of Persia. The object of the first trip was to...


The Spectator

' NAVELS, A Winter's Joutraiy (Tatar) from Constantinople to Tehran; with Travels through various Poem of Persia, Ilv James Millie Fraser, Esq., Anther of a " Tour in the...

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The Spectator

THESE two bulky volumes, comprising upwards of 1700 pages.. complete Mr. MARTIN'S abridgment from the official sutvej s of Dr. BUCHANAN. A pretty close examination of their...

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The Spectator

THE author of this volume was for several years stationed with his regiment in some of our \Vest Liam Islands; and he has given the results of his experience to the public, in...

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The Spectator

PROGRESS OF ENGRAVING. TAxneo advantage of the fallow-time in the field of art, we have cast a retrospective glance at the state of the late harvest of publication, and...