23 APRIL 1892

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The panic about the Anarchists does not decrease in Paris,

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and grave fears are expressed whether juries can be em- parmelled capable of giving a verdict without fear. The most careful preparations are being made to secure order on May...

Mr. Courtney made a striking speech to his constituents at

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Looe on Tuesday, on the subject of Irish Home-rule, the sub- stance of which we have summarisedin another column ; but we may add here that he illustrated most effectively the...


The Spectator

With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, April 30th, win be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages .of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure...

In spite of M. Loubet's caution and the resolutions of

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the Chamber, or it may be in consequence of them, affairs in Dahomey threaten to become more serious. Behanzin, the King, has heard by telegraph of the vote of 2120,000 for...


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T HE main political interest of the week has been the pub- lication by Mr. Murray, in pamphlet form, of a letter addressed by Mr. Gladstone to Mr. Samuel Smith upon the sub-...

The Lisbon correspondent of the Times agrees with us that

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the secession of Matto Grosso will be disastrous for Brazil, and points out a geographical fact which greatly affects the situation. The natural outlet of the vast province is...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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The Home Secretary, Mr. Henry Matthews, addressed a meeting of

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his East Birmingham constituents in the Duddes- ton Ward Hall on Wednesday last. In answer to the remarks of Mr. Berkeley, who seconded a resolution of confidence in the...

Mr. Chaplin has this week been delivering various addresses- to

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his constituents in Lincolnshire, dealing not only with his own special department, but with the general political situa- tion. But perhaps his most effective point was made at...

Mr. Henry Fowler, in his speech at Wolverhampton on Thursday,

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virtually admitted the extreme difficulty of finding. any solution of the Irish Home-rule problem which would satisfy the Irish. "He did not pretend that the solution of this...

. On the subject of Parochial Councils, Mr. Matthews pro-

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fessed his absolute inability to become enthusiastic. Mr. Gladstone maintains that one of the especial functions of these Parish Councils will be to defend rights-of-way and...

There is nothing, apparently, which M. Renan likes so much

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as to be interviewed. We do not know how many times he- has been interviewed of late years, or how many quaintly depreciatory opinions he has expressed concerning his con-...

Sir William Harcourt was so dull at Ringwood on Wednes-

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day, that we can almost believe that he had really been doing, what he described to his hearers in Mr. Carlyle's homely lan- guage,—namely, "filling his belly with the east...

Sir William Harcourt was very chary in his treatment of

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the subject of Mr. Blanes Home-rule motion on May 6th. As Mr. Blane is a Parnellite, or rather, a Redmondite, Sir William treated the subject with lofty contempt. It was a mere...

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The release of the Bulgarian, Shishmanoff, accused of the murder

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of M. Vulkovitch, Bulgarian Agent in Constanti- nople, and his safe retreat to Odessa, have greatly irritated Sofia. M. Stambouloff has consequently addressed a note to the...

Sir James Fergusson, the Postmaster-General, has found it necessary to

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warn the young women employed in post-offices that they really must be decently civil. He has issued a circular enjoining civility upon employes of both sexes ; but it is...

A very odd item of intelligence has come from Persia.

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The owners of the Tobacco Monopoly having been deprived of it for reasons of State—that is, because the Shah was afraid of popular rebellion—have been promised a compensation of...

The Bishop of Chester (Dr. Jayne), speaking on Tuesday at

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the annual prize-giving of the Chester Working Boys' Home, said that he had been accused of advocating corporal punish- ment only for the lower classes. On the contrary, be said...

We regret deeply to notice the death of Dr. Allon,

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so long pastor of Union Chapel, Islington, who expired on Saturday morning rather suddenly. He was ill, but no immediate danger was apprehended, when his breathing suddenly...

The " Electors " just elected in the Argentine Republic

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are all instructed to nominate Dr. Saenz Pena as President, and Sefior tiriburu as Tice-President, and those gentlemen will accordingly accede to office in June next. The...

The discreditable condition of many of the smaller railway- stations

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in London has been illustrated this week by a deplorable accident. Enormous crowds, as usual, visited Hampstead Heath on Easter Monday, and rain coming on in the afternoon, a...

Bank Rate, 2-1 per cent. New Consols 0D were on

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Friday 96i.

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LORD BEACONSFIELD'S POLITICAL LEGACY TO THE TORIES. P RThiROSE Day is at least of some kind of use in fixing our attention on those great changes in the creed of the Tory Party...

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C ONSIDERING what has been said for the last forty- four years of the tottering position of the Austrian Empire—we suppose, as we can no longer offend Mr. Free- man, we may use...

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M R. GLADSTONE cannot be accused of shuffling on the question of Female Suffrage. He concludes the letter on the subject, which Mr. Murray has just issued in the form of a...

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M R. COURTNEY made a very terse and effective speech against Home-rule for Ireland to his Cornish constituents at Looe on Tuesday. And, in our view, there are few opinions on...

LABOUR MEMBERS. T HE result of the General Election in Victoria

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upon the state of Labour representation in the Colony should not pass without notice. Three years ago, as the result of the strikes and labour troubles existing in the Colony, a...

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T HE old uniformity has returned, and once again French politics are merely variants of the mischievous phrase which makes Clericalism the one enemy the Republic has to fear....

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A DEED OF DARING. F EW more gallant deeds have ever

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been done than the march on February 9th, of which Lieutenant G. F. MacMunn, R.A., an officer of three and a half years' service, sends his father and mother an account,...

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M R. SAMUEL BUTLER, the able author of " Erewhon," has been trying to explain to the members of the Working Men's College in Great Ormond Street,* how full of humour is Homer....

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T HE money-lending nations are just now so anxious about the solvency of the States which owe money to them, that it is just possible that they forget that a time does some-...

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O NCE more we have had to listen to the tale of disasters wrought by a panic-stricken crowd. "Panic," however, is hardly the word to use in connection with the catastrophe at...

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PRIMROSES. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—Is it permissible to ask the many readers of the Spectator who are Conservatives and Unionists, what purpose, political -or...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIs,—The letters you have printed upon the "translation "of Bottom recall to me a curious experience. Some years ago, my wife and I were...


The Spectator

[To ins EDITOR OP TH711 " SPROTLTOR.".1 SIR,—Some attention has been aroused by the recent attempt to reproduce monkey-talk by means of the phonograph. It is perhaps not...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The observations of your correspondent, " W. J. P.," in the Spectator of April 16th, regarding the peculiar use of the word "...

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We too are straitened in their winding-sheet, We wear their charnel weeds : our willing feet Were fain to follow theirs in ways unknown. We stand o'er graves where yet no grass...


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THE EPISODE OF THE BAB.* A LEARNED Oriental once remarked to M. Renan that-no European can write intelligently of the origins of ancient religions, because Europeans, unlike...


The Spectator

[To TEE EDITOR OP THE " EIPICTATOR."] Su,—Is it really the case, as stated in the Spectator of April 16th, that "every old whist-player" must have seen all the trumps in one...


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SIR,—Two private correspondents from different parts of the North of England, and "W. J. P." in your columns from East London, confirm the usage of " translator " to denote a...

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RECOLLECTIONS OF MARSHAL MACDONALD.* THE reminiscences of one of Napoleon's

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Marshals, who shared in most of his famous campaigns, cannot fail to be of interest to the English as well as the French reader ; and Mr. Simeon deserves congratulation, not...

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IT is with no wish to disparage Dr. Weatherby's share in this very readable little volume, that we have given our notice the above heading. But, as Dr. Weatherby himself most...

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WE rise from the perusal of this most instructive book with a feeling of dissatisfaction for which we feel it difficult to account, but which is probably due to overstrained...

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THE " Pseudonym Library" contains only short stories by authors who do not publish under their own name,—not a particularly good reason for constituting them into a class of...

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BOETHIUS.* THIS is another specimen of the excellent work which

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the Cambridge Essay Prizes either originate or encourage. Mr. Stewart modestly excuses the publication of his volume by pleading the obligation laid upon him by the conditions...

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Pictorial Atlas to Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. By Dr. R.

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Engle- mann and W. C. F. Anderson. (H. Grevel and Co.)—This is a largely increased and-improved edition of a work which appeared some time ago. "The present edition," writes...


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Missionaries in China. By Alexander Michie. (E. Stanford.)— Mr. Michie brings the results of a long experience to bear on this difficult question. He points out that from...

Dare Macdonald : a Romance of the Riviera. By E.

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R. Macnicol. (Alexander Gardner.)—This romance of the Riviera has for its hero Dare Macdonald, a little boy nearly five years old, who is very natural though very precocious for...

A Primer to Browning. By Mary F. Wilson. (Macmillan.)— Miss

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Wilson gives a chapter commendably brief On Browning's life, concerning herself, as is right, with its literary activity. A second chapter, on the poet's characteristics,...

On the Heights of Himalay. By A. Van der Naillen.

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(Gay and Bird, London ; John W. Lowell Company, New York.)—In the publisher's preface to the second edition of On the Heights of Himalay, we are told that this theosophic novel...

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A Vicar's Wife. By Evelyn Dickinson. (Methuen and Co.)— Evidently

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the clergy have not yet been restored to the favour of the novelist, for the Vicar in the story of The Vicar's Wife does scant credit to his cloth. A good deal of cleverness has...

us with much simple pathos, not without an occasional stroke

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of humour, the story of his childhood, during which his first impulse to Art seems to have come,—suggested by the "painter Renny," as he calls him, a local decorator. This...

Rich; or, the Becidiviste : a Romance of Australian Life.

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By David Falk. (Trischler and Co.)—Recidiviste, the second title of Rick, is the word colloquially used to signify a French convict deported to the penal settlement of...

The Dramatic Essays of Charles Lamb. With a Preface by

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Brander Matthews. (Chatto and Windus.)—Mr. Matthews has a good appreciation of Lamb. and expresses it neatly and well. We do not see so much similarity as he seems to do between...

Palms and Pearls : or, Scenes in Ceylon. By Alan

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Waters. (Bentley and Sons.)—Mr. Waters begins with a practical chapter, which the intending visitor to Ceylon may study with profit. Not the least useful bit of advice that he...

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The Year of Miracle. By Fergus Hume. (Routledge and Sons.)

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—Dr. Rebelspear is a clever young physician, but he has no prac- tice. Having no practice, he is hardly an eligible suitor for the hand of a young lady, daughter of a wealthy...

Gentle and Brave, and other Tales. (W. Whiteley.) - 1 young lady,

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who gives her name and age as "Margaret, aged nine," dedicates these little stories to her "darling Papa and Mama:' That they are better written than much that comes into our...

British Edible Fungi. By M. C. Cooke. (Kegan Paul, Trench,

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and Co.)—Mr. Cooke gives us here a work of great practical utility. The waste that goes on through the general ignorance of the nature of British fungi is a commonplace ; and...

Solia TALES.—Through To - Day. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.) —That this

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is a clever, well-written book, soon becomes evident to the reader, who will not find, we imagine, any temptation to skip. But when he has reached the end, he will probably be...

The Public School Year - Book, 1891 - 92. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—The "Three

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Public-School Men—Eton, Harrow, and Win- chester "—who, as we learn from the title-page, are the editors of this volume, do not seem to have yet made up their minds as to what...

Winifrede's Journal. By Emma Marshall. (Seeley.) —This is a good

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specimen of Mrs. Marshall's work. Her heroine is the niece of a mercer in Exeter, and we make her acquaintance at the time when the troubles of the latter days of Charles I. are...