23 FEBRUARY 1878

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Notwithstanding all these pacific auguries, the Turkish papers write with

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a certain sseva indignatio against the mere idea of the Conference, and suggest that all sorts of difficulties will arise to prevent its meeting. Turkey will never consent to...


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T HE Conclave has done its work quickly and well. Fifty- nine Cardinals out of sixty-two had arrived in the Vatican when on Monday they were walled np, and on Tuesday morning...

Lord Beaconsfield himself apparently kept his mouth as with a

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bridle, when he proposed, on Thursday, the second reading of the Bills providing a credit of six millions for the Naval and Military Services. The only suppressed threat he...

Neither the correspondents of the London journals nor Baron Reuter's

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agents do reporting work well. Considerable trouble was taken to report the gist of Prince Bismarck's speeches on Tuesday on the Eastern Question, but much of the trouble was...

• * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in

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any case.

The prospect grows decidedly more peaceful. On Thursday night Lord

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Derby explained that the Russians had agreed not to occupy Gallipoli or the lines of Bulair, if England, on her part, agreed not to disembark English troops on either the...

Lord Derby also agreed with Prince Bismarck in expecting an

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early meeting of the Conference at Baden-Baden, though he added " that a rumour to which I attach a certain weight leads me to think that one of the Governments concerned may...

There is a curious hope among some Catholics about Leo

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XIII. According to the " prophecy of St. Malachi," be- lieved by Catholics to be a very ancient prediction, and cer- tainly in print five or six generations ago, the symbol or...

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A scheme is evidently being pressed for using Sepoy regiments

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against Russia, and the Times' Calcutta correspondent warns the public that if they are to be so used, the number of European officers in each regiment, which is now seven, must...

The determined obstinacy of the Spaniards in Cuba has apparently

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been rewarded by success. The last chiefs remaining in insurrection have made terms with the Government of Havannah, and submitted. The subjugation of the island has cost Spain...

The news from the Cape is unpleasant, in this way.

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The troops and the volunteers are defeating the insurgent Kafirs everywhere, and seizing large numbers of cattle and sheep, but the younger leaders of the tribes in Kaffraria...

The meeting of workmen arranged for Thursday at the Agri-

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cultural Hall was given up, ostensibly because neutrality was in no danger, really because such a meeting in a hall with twenty or more entrances would have ended in a series of...

Mr. Layard, besides peremptorily denying the charges brought against him

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by Server Pasha, the Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs, has demanded his dismissal from the Sultan. This has been granted, and Server Pasha has consequently resigned the...

Mr. Fawcett on Thursday made a great effort to bring

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the children employed in agriculture under the protection of the Fac- tory Acts. He specially wanted that the attendance of agricultural children at school should be made...

Moderate Russophobists should note the situation in .Roumania and Servia.

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The theory of the war party is that a small State in South-Eastern Europe is always Russian. Well, there are four such States, and Roumania is raging against Russia ; Servia...

The Senate of the United States passed the Bland Bill

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making silver legal tender on the 16th inst., by 48 to 21, or rather more than the two-thirds majority which will be needful to override the President's veto. The majority...

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Mr. Lowther, who has been made Secretary for Ireland, and

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has consequently applied to his constituents at York for re-elec- tion, is apparently very anxious to earn the reputation of being as cynical, as bounceable, and as incapable of...

The assassination of the ablest Judge on the English Bench,

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the Master of the Rolls, was attempted yesterday, but fortu- nately unsuccessfully, by a clergyman (believed to be in- sane) who had lost his case in this Court. The Rev. Henry...

Mr. Meldon moved a resolution on Tuesday declaring that the

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assimilation of the English, Scotch, and Irish borough franchise was a matter deserving the immediate attention of Parliament, and thereby raised a debate in which it was...

Consols were on Friday 95 1 1 i ., to 95/9,T.

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Sir Wilfrid Lawson, at Cockermouth on Wednesday night, made a

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very amusing speech about the theatrical diplo- matic performance in which the Government have lately been engaged. They ought to have commenced the Session with an announcement...

In the Lower House of Convocation yesterday week a resolution

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was passed by the immense majority of 56 to 9 against admitting within the consecrated burial-grounds of the Church any rites -other than her own. In the House of Commons, on...

Lord Selborne and the Oxford Commissioners have commenced - their sittings

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in London, but it will be some time yet before their scheme for the requirements of the University is before the world. The case of All Souls' College has been partly considered...

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THE THREE "BRITISH QUESTIONS" IN CONGRESS. T HE British Representative in the Congress at Baden, whoever he may be, and we suspect that point is not as unsettled as it appears,...

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vince Turkey that no aid could be expected from her

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in resist- respects nothing has been altered. After the capture ing it,—Lord Derby never thought it desirable either to pro- of three armies, the crushing defeat of a fourth,...

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PRINCE BISMARCK'S SPEECHES. T HOSE are cuttle-fish speeches of Prince Bismarck's

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on Tuesday,—one in reply to Herr Beningsen's questions, and the other in answer to Herr Windthorst's criticisms. Their first object, as we read them, is to mystify the public of...

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LEO XIII. A GOOD many Protestants will be greatly disappointed with

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the result of the Papal election, for the Cardinals assembled in Conclave have deserved very well of the Catholic world. They have acted with all requisite formality, but they...


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I T is, we suppose, hopeless to expect that Home-rulers as a party should endeavour to remove the administrative grievances of Ireland. They can scarcely wish to remove them....

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of counterbalancing financial gains. If every debtor in the be

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at least a slice of the solid pudding of repudiation, without the full sense of moral discredit which ordinarily accompanies repudiation. The debtor would have the ten per cent....

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T HE fearfully graphic letter published in our columns last week, and written by Mr. Balfour, concerning the famine which began two years and a half ago in the thickly-populated...

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TT is not easy at first to understand the annoyance which a novel with a " bad ending "gives to the novel-readingpublic. That it does annoy them is certain, in spite of the...

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I T is a curious instance of the difference that still exists between the northern and southern parts of this island, that a case which for a year past has been followed with...


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BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 am not very sanguine that any Conference on the Eastern Question will take place, at any rate for the present....

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(TO THE EDITOR. OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—At every meeting in support of the Government, the cry has arisen, " How about Poland?" " Look at Poland !" I have never yet seen the...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THZ " SPEOTRTOR.1 anywhere I expected a searching examination of my article " On the Origin of Reason," published in the February number of the Contemporary...


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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] - SIR,—Permit me to call your attention to what seems to be an. oversight in the very sensible article in the Spectator recently on reform...

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MR. LECKY'S HISTORY OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY.* OF course, Mr. Lecky has written a valuable and interesting history. He never touches a subject without presenting to the eye...


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0 LOVELY lake ! Time was, long years ago, I knew each inlet of thy happy shore, Thy tributary streamlets score on score, The paths beside thy banks or high or low, Swam thy...


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FORWARD ! FORWARD ! There is no strongest can withstand, Nor most rebellious heart can disobey, Nor quit the unceasing march of night and day, 'The omnipotent, unalterable...

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THE laborious task that Mr. II. H. Furness has imposed upon himself necessarily proceeds but slowly. At an interval of four years the third instalment of the work follows the...

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Ix a popular or semi-popular lecture we do not expect the strictly scientific treatment which we look for in a more exhaustive treatise, intended for the student who wishes to...

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Miss BRADDON'S latest novel is, we believe, her thirty-first. If we have of late failed to give her successive works the attention which was aroused by Lady Audley's Secret, and...

Page 21

THE VOYAGE OF THE CHALLENGER.'* THE expedition of H.M.S. Challenger'

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round the world for purposes of scientific research and discovery, and more specially for the exploration of the physical condition of the bottom of the deep sea, was organised...

Page 22


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of this book we take to be to point out the existence, in all provinces of Nature, of diversity in unity and unity in diversity ; but while we are made fully aware by Dr....

Page 24

Life of Edward William Lane. By Stanley Lane Poole. (Williams

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and Norgate.)—This memoir is a reprint of that which was prefixed to the Sixth Part of Mr. Lane's Arabic Lexicon, published under Mr. Poole's care in the year following his...


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Correspondence between Schiller and Goethe, from 1791 to 1805. By L. Dora Schmitz. Vol. I., 1794 to 1797. (Bell and Sons.)—This is a volume of mach interest, though it needs a...

NEW EDITIONS AND REPRINTS.—An English Garner. Ingatherings from our History

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and Literature. By Edward Arbor. (E. Arbor, South- gate, London.)—Mr. Arbor has collected here a curious and interesting repertory of prose and verse. The earliest in date, as...

We are glad to repeat, with a new volume of

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The Expositor, edited by the Rev. Samuel Cox (Hodder and Stoughton), the welcome which we have more than once given to this excellent periodical. Among many articles of interest...

North - Italian Folk: Sketches of Town and County Life. By Mrs..

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Comyns Carr. (Chatto and Windus.)—These are sketches of the people to whom, says the author in her preface, " rather than to others in the land, belong the freedom and the...

An Innocent Sinner: a Psychological Romance. By Mabel Collins. 3

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vols. (Tinsley Brothers.)—The hero of this story is an unfortunate doctor, with whom a mysterious young woman falls in love at first sight, and falls, too, so deeply that she...

Lady Grizel. By the Hon. Lewis Wingfield. 3 vols. (Bentley.)—

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This novel leaves the impression that it ought to have been more suc- cessful than it is. It is not easy to see why Mr. Wingfield has failed,, failed at least to make a story...

Page 25


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Caltrahru—On February 21, at Newington, Eliza, the wife of Mr. John Campbell, aged 42.

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-Ainslie (T. L.), Sumner's Method of Projection, roy 8vo (Ainslie) 1,6 Ainsworth (W. H.), Constable de Bourbon, 12mo (Chapman & Hall) 2,0 Belgravia Magazine, Vol. 34, 8vo (Ward...


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