30 JANUARY 1953

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The Spectator

But it is the relation of the white population of Kenya to the Government of the colony that arouses most apprehension at the moment. The indignation of the settlers at what...

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Balkan Defence •

The Spectator

The conversations M. Kopriilii, the Foreign Minister of Turkey, has been having in Belgrade and Athens, and particu- larly his rather guarded reference to the desirability of a...

Bargaining with Miners

The Spectator

The discussions on the coal miners' claim for a wage increase are progressing towards a possible bargain. The decisions at the National Union of Mineworkers conference on...

The Argument in Cairo

The Spectator

It is difficult on the basis of the meagre information leaking out from Cairo discussions to tell whether the talks between General Neguib and Sir Ralph Stevenson are going...

Mr. Dulles and Europe

The Spectator

A new American Secretary of State's first statement of policy is necessarily an event of some importance. Mr. Dulles has not always spoken with great wisdom „on foreign affairs....

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The Spectator

T HE fate of Derek Bentley. who was hanged on Wednes- day for his part in the murder of a Croydon policeman, weighed heavily upon the House of Commons this week. The discussion...

T.U.C. and Smart Alecs

The Spectator

The sudden re-opening of the quarrel within the Labour Party must displease the public almost as much as it did the more responsible members of the party executive. While half...

Better Hospitals

The Spectator

The report of the Central Health Services Council on the reception and welfare of in-patents in hospitals, published on Monday, is, as the Council itself implies, a product of...

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The Spectator

T HIS is the season of the year at which the convention —always a little difficult to sustain—that economics is the exclusive business of professional economists patently breaks...

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When a company publishing as many well-known journals as the

The Spectator

Hulton Press finds itself in the position in which the Hulton Press is the matter is of some public interest. The best-known of the Hulton Press publications is Picture Post,...

One day in 1739 Mr. Hogarth, who painted pictures, was

The Spectator

visiting Mr. Samuel Richardson, who wrote novels, when, as he was talking, " he perceived a person standing at a window in the room, shaking his head, and rolling himself about...

The Shorter Oxford Dictionary (1933) did not, after all, say

The Spectator

the last word on "tabloid." The last word had, so to speak, been said first, by the Oxford New English Dictionary—the twelve-volume giant, from which there is no appeal—in 1919....

I find this fancy that has taken the Ministry of

The Spectator

Labour for flinging about pound notes, almost like pool-promoters, a little odd. The Ministry wants (as basis for a new cost-of- living index) to know what every member of...


The Spectator

N OTHING said or done now will bring Derek William Bentley back to life. But nothing I have heard said or seen written shakes my conviction that Bentley . ' ought still to be...

In reading that most delightful work " Period Piece "

The Spectator

I note that the writer, Mrs. Raverat, quotes the well-known mot of Thompson, the Master of Trinity : " The time that Mr. X can spare from the adornment of his person he devotes...

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Transatlantic 1953

The Spectator

By D. W. BROGAN A FTER twenty years of Democratic Administrations, the Republicans return to office, a novelty for the Americans and for us. The change of political roles has,...

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Gold Coast Progress

The Spectator

By LORD HEMINGFORD• H OW has the Gold Coast Constitution worked ? It has now been in operation just two years this month, and its further advance „towards Dominion status is to...

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The Abbey's Needs

The Spectator

By JOHNLAIRD The last appeal, thirty-three years ago, brought in LIRA)°, and this went a little way towards arresting decay. During the war years, however, all but the most...

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Oil City

The Spectator

HERE Will YOU Spend Eternity ? " challenges an. intimidating three-coloured poster beside one of the main roads leading into Alberta's second largest city. Whatever dissension...


The Spectator

In view of the importance of the nation's health, and the interest properly taken in it by the public, "The Spectator" offers three prizes of £15 15s. for the best article on...

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The Spectator

Dr. Knock. (Curzon.) - The Net. (Odeon.) --- Wozzeck. . (Continentale.) M. JULES ROMAIN'S famous play Dr. Knock has been adapted by M. Georges Neveux- into one of the most...


The Spectator

MUSIC ' Queen of Spades. (Royal Opera House.) TCHAIKOVSKY'S Queen of Spades returned to the repertory at Covent Garden on January 23rd. This is a very patchy work, with a senti-...


The Spectator

THE last thing that I want to do is make easy fun of Mary Lumsden's sincere attempt to mix a little ophthalmology with such a love-story as may be found in any women's magazine...

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The Spectator

The Great Detective. (Sadler's Wells.) MARGARET DALE'S theme for her first stage ballet seemed promising enough as an idea, but, oh, how disappointing it is in execution. The...


The Spectator

Eugene de Kermadec. (Mayor Gallery.) ENGLISH watercolours at Agaew's or animal drawings from Sir Bruce Ingram's collection at Colnaghi's (in aid of the London Federa- tion of...

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Sporting Aspects

The Spectator

MY OXFORD AUNT By J. P. W. MALLAL1EU T HE roads to Oxford are full of memories. I have travelled over them on foot and in most sorts of vehicle. I seem to remember that I first...

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SPECTATOR COMPETITION No. 155 Set by D. R. Peddy Clio,

The Spectator

Muse of history, is checking her records for accuracy and has asked for evidence on certain matters. A prize of £5 is offered for a frank statement by one of the following on...

SPECTATOR COMPETITION No. 152 Report by Guy Kendall The usual

The Spectator

prizes were offered for nursery rhymes commemorating Cromwell and the dismissal of the Rump, Titus Oates and the Popish Plot, the Boston Tea-Party, the Jameson Raid, the Persian...

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The Spectator

Vacation Work SIR, —With great respect to the article by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Reading in a recent Spectator, I disagree. I have now Practically finished my...


The Spectator

SIR, —Many people must have been impressed by the sincerity of the author of An Agnostic's Quest in your issue of January 16th. I wonder if the following chain of " incredibles...

Russia and Religion

The Spectator

SIR, —The correct answer to the Soviet criticism of Moral Rearmament quoted by your correspondent surely is that we need the political struggle and Christian repentance and...

Indians in East Africa

The Spectator

SIR, —The Royal Commission on East Africa is expected to start its work, I understand. early in February. As there is still time for completing the list of members, may I...

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By the Water Visiting a famous beauty-spot we found the

The Spectator

turnstile unattended, for it is not supposed to be the season for looking at waterfalls; but we passed through, paying oar penny and operating the device our- selves. A wintry...

A Pigeon's Crop

The Spectator

Not long ago I examined a pigeon that had been shot. Its crop was full of acorns. It had swallowed between twenty and thirty, and the bulges made the bird seem deformed, for the...

Early Vegetables

The Spectator

An application of weathered soot is beneficial to autumn-sown beans, and early-planted shallots will be helped by the same treatment. Put in early peas of the dwarf variety in a...

Potted Oak

The Spectator

Sia,—Your reviewer, dealing with Dr. Plumb's book Chatham. says: " You cannot plant an oak in a flower-pot." In 1937 (Coronation year) 1 planted an oak in a six-inch flower-pot....


The Spectator

Someone had dragged away a hawthorn that had been lying on the the ground since last autumn and had left the ground exposed. I stood looking at the decayed grass and the straws...

The Spectator


The Spectator

Sri,—May ,I correct J. F. 13.'s reference in his notes of January 23rd, At Westminster, to my supplementary question ? I was not pressing the Chancellor on behalf of old-age...


The Spectator

ON the skyline to our right I could see the roof and chimneys of a little white-washed farm, but we were past it before I recalled that I knew the man who lives there. I had...

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Private Views

The Spectator

A Year of Space. By Eric Linklater. (Macmillan. 18s.) The Life for Me. By Rupert Croft-Cooke. (Macmillan. 18s.) HE who scuds forth upon the voyage of autobiography with all his...


The Spectator

Frail, Strong, Peculiar Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By Dorothy Hewlett. (Cassell. 25s.) ON the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, celebrated...

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Eighteenth-Century Politics

The Spectator

SINCE the publication of Sir Lewis Namier's Structure of Politics at the Accession of George III, professional histotians have concentrated a great deal of attention on the...

Changing America

The Spectator

The Big Change, 1900-1950. By Frederick Lewis Allen. (Hamish Hamilton. 15s.) MR. LUBELL has written the most original essay in interpreting American politics that has appeared...

For France

The Spectator

ONE could convict this book easily on two minor charges. First, it is too lightweight to substantiate the claim of its sub-title, " The Story of British Aid to French Patriots...

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Her Majeity's Mails

The Spectator

IT was on July 24th, 1784, that " His Majesty's Postmasters-General, being inclined to make an experiment for the more expeditious conveyance of letters by coach," ordered the...

Fear in the Night

The Spectator

INCREASINGLY mystery and horror take the place of true detection, and this month it is the former category-that stands at the - top of the tree with, as usual, the Americans...

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Shorter Notice

The Spectator

IN 1819 William Collins—a native of East- wood, in Renfrewshire, a schoolmaster, and then thirty years of age—gave up teaching, and in partnership with Charles Chalmers went...

In next week's " Spectator " Rex Warner will discuss

The Spectator

a selection of Macaulay's prose and poetry by G. M. Young, and Professor Bonamy Dobree " The Disinherited Mind " '- by Erich Heller.

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The Spectator

tly CUSTOS MARKET sentiment generally has been helped lately by 'the strength of sterling and bigger tax collections, which have sensibly reduced the deficit for the financial...

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The Spectator

I. EmNoyed • but not coming back here. (10.) 9. An opening for cricket and tennis terms. (6.) 10. Prime Ministers might be mistaken for them. (10.) 11. Milton's at the door was...

Solution to Crossword No. 713

The Spectator

omnennmo minima mmincinn nnomminnm MIIMO MOM= men LI HOMMg meammann UMODOM n mmomnpinn MMIN1003 MMEOCEIMO nal:Imolai] one mien peen RIBUMMHUM WOOMEIMB UMMOICIMM omnincimmm...