7 APRIL 1933

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The Russian Embargo Bill • In the course of the

The Spectator

Russian debate in the House of Commons on Wednesday Sir John Simon answered one question raised in an article on a later page of this issue, by explaining that the White Paper...

OFFICES : 99 Gower St., London, W .C. I. Tel.:

The Spectator

MUSEUM 1721. Entered as second-class Mail Matter at the New York N.P. Post Offire, Dec. 23rd, 1896. Postal subscription 30s. per annum, to any part of the world. Postage on this...

What kind of regime Germany is settling down to is

The Spectator

still obscure. The first ebullition is passing, and the arrests of a couple of Englishmen, one of whom was arrested after half a day's detention, are not to be stressed...

News of the Week T HE relation between the boycott of

The Spectator

the Jews in Ger- many and foreign comment on events in Germany is a matter of conjecture. Since the Nazi Party has been violently anti-Semite for years the allegation that last...

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The Four Power Negotiations Only unofficial versions of the conclusions

The Spectator

reached by the French Cabinet regarding the Four Power Pact are so far available, but it is clear that France, as was to be expected, is prepared to accept the Pact only on...

The Reign of Law• - - The " award giVen

The Spectator

by the Permanent Court of International Justice on Wednesday in the dispute between Denmark and Norway over the occupation by the latter of part of the coast of Greenland...

Airship and Aeroplane The disaster to the American airship '

The Spectator

Akron,' involving a loss of life far greater than resulted from the destruction of the ' It 101 ' in 1930, leaves Dr. Eckener's ' Graf Zeppelin ' as the only large dirigible...

Flying Over Everest Lord Clydesdale and his comrades, in the

The Spectator

expedition financed by Lady Houston, on Monday achieved their purpose by flying over Mount Everest, with 100 feet to spare. It is not the highest ascent ; Captain Uwins last...

The Prime Minister and Mr. Roosevelt Opinions have differed as

The Spectator

to the desirability of the Prime Minister's visiting America, and they will no doubt still differ now that the visit has been definitely decided on. Altogether there is much...

Strikes and Reinstatement The breakdown of the Irish railway strike

The Spectator

negotiations on the reinstatement issue may have serious consequences, for though the stoppage has so far been largely confined to Northern Ireland the Free State will be deeply...

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A Drink-With-Meals Bill A mild little Bill, the main purpose

The Spectator

of which was to allow bona fide hotels and restaurants (i.e.; establishments where receipts from food bear a reasonable relation to receipts from liquor) to serve intoxicants...

An Emigration Scandal It is interesting to see that a

The Spectator

Royal Commission sitting in MellsOurne has found the Victorian Government of ten years ago guilty of breaking its agreement with hundreds of British ex-Service men. These men...

The Indian debates have concluded in the Commons with some

The Spectator

loss of influence to the Churchill group. Mr. Churchill sat on his speech too long and the egg was addled, though the fact would not have been so apparent if he had not made an...

More Men at Work The fine weather probably had something

The Spectator

to do with the improved March figures for employment. For the building trade, which depends more than other industries on the weather, accounted for 52,000 out of the decrease...

Armaments and War Speaking at the annual meeting of Vickers

The Spectator

on Monday Sir Herbert Lawrence referred to what he described as the imaginative picture drawn by various pacifist societies of private armament firms deliberately stirring up...

Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes :—The an- nouncement by the

The Spectator

Prime Minister on Monday of an Enabling Bill, conferring special powers for the regulation of Russian imports, took the House by surprise. The Opposition, invariably touchy...

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The Trial at Moscow

The Spectator

T HE trial of the British employees of the Metropolitan- Vickers company in Russia is due to open on Monday. The affair remains profoundly disturbing and the facts published in...

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Children and the Law

The Spectator

By A LEGAL CORRESPONDENT. R ECENTLY a little boy, showing . considerable ingenuity in evading railway ticket collectors and o fficials, contrived to reach the escalator of a...

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Of the crop of anecdotes that gathered round the Jam

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Sahib's personality none can, by the nature of things, be very new. Two are perhaps worth recalling. One of them—the second—was in fact new to me. The other, which bears on its...

There is not much to be said for the letter

The Spectator

signed by German correspondents in' London, expressing the conviction that " the British public is receiving a dis- torted view of the great events in Germany." The first and...

I note a rather marked tendency among the boat-race commentators

The Spectator

to write almost as if the honours this year belonged to Oxford. That seems a perverse view, except on the assumption that to finish anything less than three lengths behind...

A few weeks ago I mentioned the perplexity expressed by

The Spectator

certain American subscribers to The Spectator at finding references to the paper's extravagant award of a . guinea prize for the .first correct solution of the weekly crossword...

A Spectator's Notebook M R. H. G. WELLS, I understand, is

The Spectator

hard at work on a history of the next two hundred years or so. To be accurate he has, I believe, gal° about 2100 A.D., so far, and it must be a, little difficult to know just...

Last week The Spectator reviewed a novel by Mr. Alan

The Spectator

Porter. It was a short review and I can quote it in full. Thus : "'Have you over heard of the noble young parvenu who feels himself' unworthy of an even nobler girl, and who...

There were three links at any rate between Lord Chelmsford

The Spectator

and the Jam Sahib of Nawanagar—India, cricket and the League of Nations. Curiously enough the same applies to Lord Willingdon too. Each of the three men was a University and...

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What We Have Gained From Ottawa

The Spectator

BY THE RT. HON. L. S. AMERY, M.P. ,Sir Andrew McFadyean will write next week an "Ottawa: the Other Side." T HE SPECTATOR asks me to say what we have gained ,from the Ottawa...

Page 8

ads "t o11e 5 S I solation

The Spectator

HAMMOND. BY J. L. " j FORSOOK all things for faith ; he has forsaken I his whole political past for Ireland. He is as isolated now as I was then. And this makes me turn to him....

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The Case for Orthodoxy

The Spectator

By IAN HOROBIN, M.P. [in arliele . by Capt. Harold Macmillan, ALP., on " The Case for Etpansion," appeared in last week's " Spectator. "] I DISTRUST all " expansionists." As...

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Concerning Carp

The Spectator

BY HERBERT PALMER. T O the people of England the carp as a fish for the table is unknown or despised. In this, as in so many other matters, edible and unedible, we are aloof...

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La France Et La Dictature

The Spectator

[D'un Correspondent Franfais.] B ANS le champ de la politique interieure, l'attention du public francais gravite en ce moment autour de l'idee d'une reforme destinee a doter le...

Page 12

The Theatre

The Spectator

" The School for Scandal." By Richard Brinslcy Sheridan. At the Old Vic Theatre. GoLosauTu in The Good-Natued Man found a title which, applied to the author's attitude in place...


The Spectator

Can Hitlerism Last ? 6-- . [To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.1 Sin,—The Hitler Cabinet, by the Enabling Act of March 23rd, 1933, has acquired absolute dictatorial powers until...

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On Approval." By Frederick Lonsdale. At the Strand Theatre.

The Spectator

Mn. LoNsnALE puts four impossible people in an improbable situation and hopes for the best. And the best, or something very like it, is forthcoming. There is no action ; the...

A Hundred Years Ago

The Spectator

" THE SPECTATOR," APRIL 0TH, 1833. THAMES TUNNEL.—Sir E. Codrington, on Monday, presented a petition from the proprietors of the Thames Tunnel, praying for aid to enable them...

Two Deaths

The Spectator

What spirit's agony lies bent Between the interval of birth And the cool fathomless descent To the cool oracle of earth ? The lucid emptiness of dawn Lies frozen on the first...

Two Poems

The Spectator

Aegean Idyll TILE thunder sweeps through northern plain; And westward from the Asian hill, From Canis and from Samothrace It wanders resolute and still And grows less still...


The Spectator

We never read the account of a " milling-match " without feelings of extreme disgust. From the titled blackleg who drives four-in. hand to the ring, down to the perjured ruffian...

Page 14

A farmer as ingenious as his namesake who shared with

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Stephenson the glory of the first steam engines, invented a new way of piling corn, half way between the stook and the stack. The bases on which these weather-proof mounds of...


The Spectator

To pass from a big bird to the very smallest, a golden- crested wren flew recently against the window of a neighbour's greenhouse and was picked up, it seemed, in extremis. The...

Every rookery is compact of problems. The one that I

The Spectator

should like some authority to solve definitely is whether a number of rooks go through the season unmated or at any rate without a nest. So far as I have been able to count the...


The Spectator

One advantage of the British Empire is that our friends can watch one end of the birds' migration route while we are watch- ing the other. Some of the swifts, for example,...

Not so long since a group of these more eminent

The Spectator

pioneers collected together at Chelmsford (where flourishes a.very wise and enterprising farming institution) in order to pool their ex- periences. If we were not a community...


The Spectator

It is an old belief that those wise birds the rooks desert treacherous trees. If a tree is weak no nest is built on it. Here is a modern instance that may illustrate the causes...


The Spectator

Another rook problem is put by a correspondent from the Place de la Concorde, a name that could not be used with fitness of any rookery that ever I watched! He writes : " There...


The Spectator

A book was once written called A Pilgrimage of British Farming. If any pilgrim—a Young, a Cobbett, a Daniel Hall or who not were to set forth to-day, journeying by car rather...

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Letters to the Editor

The Spectator

[Correspondents are requested to keep their letters as brief as is reasonably possible. The most suitable length is that of one of our " News of the Week paragraphs.—Ed. THE...

[To the Editor of Tim SPECTATOR.] Joad contributed an interesting

The Spectator

article to your last number on the subject of a new theory that the dual nature of most " spirit communications," as on the one hand persistently, yet unsatisfactorily,...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—With swift and sure insight characteristic of him, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has asked that the problem of unemployment be...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Mr. Joad endorses Dr. Broad's ingenious but hypo- thetical theory, that The attractiveness of this theory consists in its ability to...

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The Spectator

Laud so constantly denied the fact of the Apostolic Succession as invented by the Council of Trent for the first time since Cyprian's theory was destroyed by the Fathers and now...

PRAYER AND GENIUS [To the Editor of THE SrEcTA•roa.] –

The Spectator

If your correspondent, Capt. Blacker, has meant to clarify a subject only too likely to be obscure, he certainly has not done so. To begin with; the unnecessary introduction of...


The Spectator

it is true, as stated in The Spectator of March 24th, that the majority of shop workers do an average week of fifty-four working hours, it seems to me that that is all the more...


The Spectator

THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In The Spectator of February 10th, you published a remarkable article by Sir Evelyn Wrench. In one paragraph he writes : " Our present system of...


The Spectator

Snt,—The quotation from the late John Galsworthy which the Rt. Hon. J. R. Clynes cites in your issue of the 24th ult., in connexion with the above subject, is really a...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of Tun Seam-Arm.] SIR,—The method of estimating the annual cost of the roads which is employed by Mr. W. Ir. Woods in his letter last week is open to objection,...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—As a student of history I must protest against the letters you have been publishing on this subject. The very phrase strikes anyone living...


The Spectator

. [To the Editor of THE. SPECTATOR.] , Sin,—If books. on India were written with the intention of satisfying Mr. Edward Thompson (difficult though that may seem) they would...

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The Romantic Exiles

The Spectator

LAVER. * The Rothantic Exiles. A Nineteenth-Century Portrait Gallery. By Edward Hallett Carr. (Gollancz. 8s. 6d.) BY JAMES MEREDITH, in The Tragic Comedians, made a novel out...

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• Eastward Ho !

The Spectator

England's Quest of Eastern Trade. By Sir William Foster, C.I.E. (A. and C. Black. 15s.) NATIONAL memory runs in grooves. British interest in Indian history rests on Clive and...

Puzzles of Economics

The Spectator

ECOROMICS of a Changing World. By H. V. Hodson. (Faber and Faber. 7s. 6d) Mu. HODSON is that rare and impressive phenomenon—a soceessfid economic journalist of high theoretical...

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The Oxford Movement Leaders

The Spectator

Newman. By F. L. Cross. (Philip Allan. Os.) . Cardinal Newman and Oxford. By J: M. Flood, -(Nicholson . and Watson. 10s. 6d.) THE first three of these books belong' to a series...

Smashing Serapis

The Spectator

Napoleon Passes. By Cona1 O'Riordan. (Arrowsmith. 8s. 6d.) Ix the . Age of Faith, the worshipper is-unsuspicious : for him the legend is the fact, which whosoever doubts or...

Page 21

_ Shakesperian. Tempests

The Spectator

The Shakesperlan Tempests. By G. Wilson Knight. (Oxford University Preis. 12s. 6d.) • IN the house of criticism there are many rooms, and Mr. Wilson Knight has chosen for his...

Page 22

Dinner subscribers who are changing their addresses are asked to

The Spectator

notify THE SPECTATOR office BEFORE MIDDAY OR MOND. 1.1' or EACH WEEK. The previous address to which the paper has been sent and receipt reference number should be quoted.

• The Team Spirit

The Spectator

New Country. Prose and Poetry by the Authors of New Signatures. Edited by Michael Roberts. (Hogarth Press. 78. 6d.) Tans is a genuine affair of young writers, not one of those...

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Highly Combustible

The Spectator

The Tinder-Box of Asia. By George E. Sokolsky. (Allen and Unwin. 10s. 6d.) Tins is a valuable book. Its author, described by the publishers as " the New York Times expert on...

Spain and Holland

The Spectator

Letters from Holland. By Karel Capek. (Faber and Faber. 3s. 6d.) Towards the New Spain. By Joseph A. -Brandt. (University of Chicago Press. 22s.) ONE naturally distrusts people...

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The Spectator

BY GRAILLII GREEN - E. Company K. By Wiliam Marsh. (Gollancz. 7s. 6d.) • I WAS reminded of Buster Keaton while reading Company the pale long face, the melancholy eyes, the...

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Current Literature

The Spectator

WAYS OF ESCAPE By Sir Philip Gibbs Mr. J. M. Keynes once compared economists to dentists. Sir Philip Gibbs' new book (Ways of Escape, Heinemann, 8s. 6d.) suggests a similar...


The Spectator

The Nineteenth Century opens with an article by Mr. L. S. Amery, who asks What is wrong with the National Government ? " and answers that it is not national enough and does not...

THE MACEDONIAN By Mary Butts This brief and compressed study

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of Alexander the Great (The Macedonian, Heinemann, 6s.) is _more satisfying than many more comprehensive and detailed portraits of its subject, The legend of Alexander (if -it...

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The Spectator

The Owner-Driver's Problems BY JOHN PRIOLEALT. . , IF it is a truism to say that the motor-car has today taken-its unnoticed place in the day-to-day life of every- body who...

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Finance—Public & Private

The Spectator

The City and the Budget AT a moment when so many fanciful and even, perhaps, picturesque views are promulgated concerning the forth- coming Budget, I am afraid that the...

Financial Notes

The Spectator

QUIET MARKETS. WITH the exception of Gold Mining shares, which have been active and strong on the satisfactory character of the returns for March, the Stock_ Markets have been...

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The Spectator

Such important financial interests are represented by the Imperial Chemical Industries that special interest always attaches to the annual report. On this occasion the state-...


The Spectator

If only by reason of the importance of the undertakin g and the wide ramifications of its operations, great inter always attaches to the annual meeting of- Vickers, Limit e d ,...


The Spectator

I referred last week to the very satisfactory report recoltic published by the Associated Portland Cement Manufacturer , . Ltd., and the good impression created by the figures...


The Spectator

* * * Not only so, but it must be pointed out that before arriving at the profit mentioned no less a sum than £2,256,900 is charged by constituent companies in respect of...


The Spectator

The latest report of the Union Corporation, Ltd., is an interesting one in several respects. In the first place, it was a profitable year, the realized profit of £290,907...

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The Spectator

Long after the recollection of the changes in the various members of the personnel of the Stock Exchange Committee. resulting from the election at the end of March has faded, -...

AN INDISPENSABLE WORK. - Although commanding the somewhat high price

The Spectator

of £3, I should imagine that the circulation of the Stock .Exchange Official Intelligence—the new edition of- which has just appeared—can only vary in the upward direction, for...

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The Spectator

10110011011 D0E1E0 13 0 111 0 11 Is! e 010130110001211313 i012101E3 El 0 121 MODE, IL E10003111113 n 01:11!11!11110 12 011110111g1 CI 0 MI 0 0 3 01011011101110101111313 nen el...

"The Spectator" Crossword No. 28

The Spectator

BY XANTHIPPE, [A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the fiest correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be open e d. Envelopes should be marked "...

The Modern Home

The Spectator

The Ideal Home Exhibition Tim dominant feature of the " Ideal Home " Exhibition at Olympia (which is open until April 29th) is the astonishing general improvement in the design...