12 JULY 1902, page 1

President Roosevelt Made A Great Speech At Pittsburg On July

4th, in which he indicated his attitude towards Cuba and towards Trusts, both of them at present burning questions in the United States. As to Cuba, he said that as Cuba must......

The Correspondent, Of The Times At Johannesburg Sends An...

account of the position of the labour question there. Although some five thousand natives offer themselves every month, the number of labourers on the Rand is always -......

History:'—" This Message Would Be Incomplete If Reference...

made to the soldierly qualities displayed throughout the campaign by our quondam enemies, and to the admirable spirit displayed by them in carrying out the surrender of their......

Lord Kitchener, Who Is To Arrive In London To-day, And

to be received with much military honour as well as popular enthusiasm, took leave of his troops in South Africa in an admirable farewell Order. He thanked all concerned for the......

America Begins To Weigh Heavily In Diplomacy. It Seemed As

if the European Powers were determined to keep their hold on Tientsin, even Great Britain unwillingly consenting in o rder to maintain their accord. The Government of......

News , Of The Week..

A CCORDING to the latest bulletins, the King is steadily recovering from the effects of his " severe" operation, his Majesty displaying a most unusual power of recuperation. The......

The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any...
