12 JULY 1902, page 16

.all-night Coffee-stalls.

IT° THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —Whilst looking down the Spectator in our public library yesterday, I read with pleasure the thoughtful little poem by Mr. P. Neuman on......

Readers, As Bearing Testimony To American Opinion On Lord...

and American interest in the South African War and sympathy for us. I therefore venture" to forward it to you foi insertion in the Spectator $13.ould it seem to you advisable to......


THE REFORM IN ARMY TRAINING.* [FIRST NoTicE.] IT has long been questioned how far th.e late war should be regarded as of instructional value for an Army which is primarily......

11:111 'habits Of The Tripper.

(TO THE EDITOR OF TI1E " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—Some years ago you inserted a' letter from me on the habits of the tripper. One of his worst offences is scattering filthy paper and......


THE ENGINEER. 'Minn maxims' click and rattle, • Quick-firers' crack and scream, Dazed with the lust of battle, Half blind with smoke and steam, Men face the flying shrapnel, And......

Faith, Hope, And Charity.

[To TUC EDITOR OF THE "SP ECTATO SIB,—Will you allow the suggestion that the three . should meet in a calm and loving confidence that the reign of God is the reign of Infinite......

Country House Luxuries. (to Tee Editor Of The " Sf

ECTATOR."] SiR,—When my son—an officer—served in South Africa, his allowance of water for a considerable time was three pints for all purposes daily, and during all his period......