12 JULY 1902, page 24

A Primer Of Greek Constitutional History. By A. H. Walker.

(B. H. Blackwell, Oxford. 3s. 6d. net.)—This is a valuable little book, carefully put together, and sober in its conjectures and con- clusions. The early Constitution of the......

The Latest Instalment Of The New English Dictionary...

Ss.) is a double section, the beginning of Vol. VII. " 0— Onomastic," edited by Dr. James A. H. Murray. The beginning of Vol. VIII. is to be the next to appear, under the care......

Again Again Wishing It Success. We Would Give A Word

of caution, however, to the editor as to hot-headed contributors such as Mr. J. Charles Cox, who writes about the "Household Books of Sir Miles Stapleton, 1656-1705." It would......

A Complete Calendar Of The English Saints And Martyrs. Com-

piled by William Canon Fleming. (Sands and Co. 2s.)—As this little volume has been sent to the Spectator for notice, not without knowledge, it may be presumed, of the view which......

Westminster. By Sir W. Besant And G. E. Mitton. (a.

and C. Black. is. 6d. net.)—This is a very pleasing little book, of the same series (" Fascination of London ") to which the " Chelsea " noticed lately in these columns belongs.......

New Editions. —memoirs Of Joseph John Gurney. Edited By...

Braithwaite. (Headley Brothers. 3s. 6d.)—This is an abridged edition. The longer work has passed through two editions ; this is published at a lower price. Portraits of Mr.......

Scottish Communion Tokens. By The Rev. Robert Dick. (a....

Edinburgh.)—Mr. Dick adds as a sub-title, "Other than those of the Established Church." These " tokens " were, in fact, the symbols of the "irreconcila.bles " who would not even......

London And Its Leaders. By Douglas Sla.den. (sands And Co.

ls.)—This is a guide to social London and to the London of sightseers. Much in it would have seemed strange matter for pub- lication to our grandfathers,—" Leading......

Recollections Of A Director. By The Rev. John Edward Kempe.

(Printed for Private Circulation.)—Mr. Kempe was made a director of the Clerical, Medical, and General Life Assurance Society forty-five years ago, "nearly half of his life," as......

Key To The Rules Of The Stock Exchange. By Francis

Chiswell. (Effingham Wilson. Is. 6d.)—We have no intention of criticising this book. It is tolerably clear that the author is not altogether in harmony with the Stock Exchange......