12 JULY 1902, page 15

A War Story.

(To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin, — It is possible that you may care to print the following little true story. It was written to his mother by a sapper soldier-lad at the......

The Late Lord Acton.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") Sat o —Referring to the very interesting letter in the Spectator of July 5th on the late Lord Acton, I should be greatly indebted to you if......

The Teaching Of Girls In South Africa. [to The Editor

OP THE " SpEcuion."] SIR,—In connection with the Conference of Governmenr school teachers now assembled at Johannesburg, it may interest your readers to learn that a scheme is......

Readers, As Bearing Testimony To American Opinion On Lord...

and American interest in the South African War and sympathy for us. I therefore venture" to forward it to you foi insertion in the Spectator $13.ould it seem to you advisable to......

The West Indian Disaster

(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." J Sr.n,—In your issue of May 17th, which has just reached me, you say in the "News of the Week" that "St. Lucia, Dominica :italics mine], and......

Napoleon's Letters To Josephine.

[To THE EDITOR OF ,TELE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—There are one or two points raised by your reviewer in the Spectator of June 28th where the indications of error, to be useful to the......