In The Lords On Thursday The Question Of The Sandhurst
- punishments was brought before the House by Lord Carring- ton. Lord Raglan, the Under-Secretary of State for War, in his reply made, we regret to see, the mistake of......
We Cannot, Of Course, Profess To Be Able To Suggest
the true explanation of the fires and their origin, but one thing strikes us in regard to them, and as we have not seen it noted in the controversy, it may be worth while to......
After Lord Roberts's Speech, The Debate Degenerated Into...
angry wrangle. Lord Lansdowne having made a well-meaning but not very judicious incursion into the dis- cussion, he was followed by Lord Rosebery, who, perhaps not unnaturally......
The House Of Commons During The Past Week Has Been
chiefly occupied with the Education Bill. In the course of the debates on Tuesday and Wednesday two very important alterations in the original scheme were carried. On Tuesday......
On Tuesday In The House Of Lords Lord Selborne Made
an interesting statement in regard to the American Shipping Combine, and, we are glad to see, dealt with the matter with- out showing either panic or jealousy. The intention of......
On Wednesday Mr. Balfour Made An Even More Important...
in the Bill by agreeing to Mr. Henry Hobhouse's proposal that the option clause should be struck out and that the Bill should be compulsory,—i.e., the new local education......
We Have Stated Our View Of The General Issues Of
the Sand- hurst case elsewhere, but we fay admit that the matter is not one which will be mended by violent or prejudiced writing or speaking on either side. The incident has......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (2i) were on Friday 951.......