12 JULY 1902, page 22

The Comedy Of Progress. By Reginald Turner. (greening And...

6s.)—Problems and politics are dealt with by Mr. Reginald Turner in The Comedy of Progress, and both are to a certain extent successfully treated. The plain man (or woman) will......

The New Christians. By Percy White. (hutchinson And Co....

real name of the sect designated by Mr. Percy White in his novel as the New Christians is quite easy to guess. But Mr. White has invented an original genesis and a new prophet......

A Modern Miracle. By M. Mcdonnell Bodkin. (ward, Lock, And

Co. 6s.)—This is a story of intrigue and crime, and fortu- nately for the interests of justice, the two principal scoundrels are hoist with their own petard (one of them......

Biographs Of Babylon. By George R. Sims. (chatto And Windus.

3s. 6d.)—Mr. Sims has certainly selected an appropriate title for this collection. It is a series of short stories, the salient features of which are jotted down without any......

Lore Never Faileth. By Carnegie Simpson. (hodder And...

reviewer must confess to having been led by Mr. Simpson's dedication to expect more from Love Never Faileth than the book warrants; the plot, we cannot but think, would not have......


HOLY MATRIMONY.* "DOROTHEA GERARD " certainly disdains in her choice of a subject—the terminus of the old novel, the starting-point of the new—any pretence at novelty. But then......

Prophet Peter. By Mayne Lindsay. (ward, Lock, And Co. 6s.)

—There is no little subtlety in this study of character. When we come to the end of the story of "Prophet Peter" we do not feel quite sure what he was, in what proportions......