2 MAY 1840

Page 1

The marriage of the Duke on. NEmoznis with the Princess

The Spectator

VIt; TORIA of Saxe Coburg, celebrated in Paris on Monday night, with little pomp, was accompanied by an act of amnesty. The poli- tical offenders excluded front the benefit of...

The intelligence from Spain is ihvourable to the Qacen. Three

The Spectator

Carlist battalions, in Arragon, had laid down their arms, and dis- banded, leaving their officers witholf a , ;ingle nem to command. A detachment of the rebels was also le'a:c...

Colonel Horous, the representative of the British Government at Alexandria,

The Spectator

is on the worst terms with MtammEr Ala. Acting under Lord PoNsomtv's instructions, he offered passports to the officers and seaman of the Turkish fleet, delivered up to Munrauvr...

The King of Naples has :tece._:tel the proffered mediation of

The Spectator

France in the dispute with England ; nor, however, until many Neapolitan merchantmen had been captured by British vessels of war. The number of captures has been stated as high...

The Shah of Persia, at the head of 30,0 en,,..whilu4shing

The Spectator

in a Southerly direction, anti it was surmised, Inteudedlo at- tack Bussorah. He had plundered and laid 'Waste tilivus 'tout - dis- tricts in his own territory, which had...


The Spectator

THE House of Commons reassembled on Wednesday, and the Lords on Thursday ; but not to work after the holydays. On Wed- nesday the Speaker was left without "a House" at seven...

Page 2

Debates anb otctbInq in Vat'lament.

The Spectator

CAMBRIDGE ELECTION. When the Commons met on Wednesday, Sir CHARLES LEMON re- ported the decision of the Cambridge Election Committee, declaring the election of Mr. Manners...

The Cambridge Election Committee decided on Saturday, that "th e Evidence

The Spectator

was then adduced Icy the petitioner's counsel Sanntel Long as the instrument of Swann for the purposes of th e acts of bribery on the part of Long. George Smith, a shoemaker,...

Page 3

A fortnightt og.•: out twelve 1:t:%: .: and with Euror

The Spectator

: 7,77. t• •. built for the Con.o.11: , . South Amerie I f-ool :- packets between C.f.i.. , aed N. lv to these. we have Oa the packet-set:vie,: nearly ready for se Ii 'ex.-...

Zbe jactropotis. The Court of Common Council, on Monday, agreed,

The Spectator

by a vote of 56 to 30, to present a piece of plane of the value of 1501. to each of the Sheriffs, in testimony of the Court's approbation of their patriotic and magnanimous...

c e7ourt.

The Spectator

Tem reopening of the Italian Opera after the Easter recess, brought the Queen with her hushan:1 to town again on Saturday ; and in the evening her Majesty had the gratification...

Page 4

Fire men. on board of the ship felana, arrived in

The Spectator

the Thames from Sin g spere. taken into custody on Saturday morning, by orders from the Hums t 'elev. They were sent home as prisoners, and are the BritiAt ,e-enien en g a g ed...

The Lancaster Guardian contains an account of a meetin g of

The Spectator

thy Lancaster Protestant Association, held on the 21st ultimo, at whiej those zealous foes to Popery the Reverend Messrs. Stowell and M'N e e figured as the principal orators....

A . ;it .. Ma;j:d.ratci,' thi.l.iiii. , 2, licid Iti..t. Smilrdav irli.

The Spectator

Lancaster, Captain . , (*Town pri-oners. It Mel been ineerreetly silted that Mr. 1'ra:wt. had , lse e else.. d to Lev(' fisspient ill; -lee-v.); i11:111 his brother ollicors;...

Eitcourt, M.P., has sold his beautiful s e at, New Park, near

The Spectator

lees, to Mr. Colston, for 50,000/. A meetin g of' g reat importance in the annals of agricultural local inn provernent was held at Peterborou g h on the 23d April, and was at-...

?drobincr S.

The Spectator

Jo It , e!et:tIOTieeritig air.C.'011“:11t iii He els:el SVe ' 1 . ccrv. c; cc icact c ; cen Ijils-r a l chalet , ce t ; !on ,• of Commom, pr;Q. in;.; II . fart hr c-cri;d o...

Page 5

On Wednesday, Sergeant-Major Rees, of the Ninth Lancers, shot himself

The Spectator

through the head in Hounslow Barracks, where the regiment is now stationed; and he is not expected to recover. "Family reg iment is the cause assigned for the suicide. A...


The Spectator

" The aggregate meethr, for the Province of Leinster - , to in - rt . itioa Parliament ttinst Lord Stanley's lia.rIstration Gill. was 115,1 day, in Batty's Circus, Lower Abbey...

.roo the '

The Spectator

0: • 1.1, -- Alai A=soial v , oil the -"til : imSIlit with as lit In c• reci-Issae to tin. l La. I! s ;item • et le l'se.11,:::co er . :, • •■'. . I !. 7. ICI: - 1.;I s L...

A pension of 3,:300/. per an: 11 ' 1‘11 Ci v il 1.1 , t.

The Spectator

death of Lord Cuillamore. of P.- ss - ssn. death of Lord Cuillamore. of P.- ss - ssn. Government hay: sem -! •' r to proso.euto vertaia ' t. :Ito alleized ch.trge of 1m., We...

Page 6

On Wednesday, orders vo-ere reeeived at the Royal Dock-yard, Wool-

The Spectator

to lay tlewn a large tiiiiety-gun ship, and the operations for her building t o b e h eete w e eely eonimenced. A futIrleen-guit brig, called the Siren, will be launchu d in the...

The Morning Punt took the pains to analyze the signatures

The Spectator

of the letter of the China merchants to Lord Palmerston, to show that out of the thirty names, twenty-five belonged to Whigs and supporters f h Government ; that, with two or...

or J. Queen hat !sir .1 , 1e., ' it I O

The Spectator

• r .1,,• Ise., ni • : end reply Augusta Marra ; , f, ■• . ..1 •.1.". iJ,, I • s'• 1....1, , ; . , 0g1 hiS elailli to rar, 4 ;,-.. a l•riess .of IS- I: , I 1:......1 ; t• /..'...

Page 7

I 'et( 1:es I .•

The Spectator

' , titan It - keeord.:' 5. rop ot 1 ioide Is- 5 \ • " 1 of , 2:•.t.• Man- :he canon :011S• NVelOslor had 1 of the United States. alto the Senate The Legislature of Ohio...

(tote, On :re of

The Spectator

; I the . es , the : "MaNdl , \ , : ,,„ ,„.. • .. Pb. ne'.. :1... Caert of ak's en - cm- ;;. of the : 1 , y I.,: 1 Pa: rock . at; ch itS ,1e1 ecral . tine

A corre•spolident, who

The Spectator

hcr carg., it W e st 1:..n,11; , ..,m, lb. ooio::,I... on or •• was sa d Ihnies Nver,, v lbw bad ust arrivea tout A Parldeaentary i•er ('••'' the different Ida"- 7 , !",...• •...

The Dike de Nei:mars was married to the l'oincesa Vietoria

The Spectator

of Saxe t'obara :\landay evening, at the Palace of St. Cloud. The eel:enmity was :. and attetaltal only by tho Siate, and Marslails • of l'ranee. ;nal a lVO dis:Inaelishea...

A " 1 ' has 1) en pi:le:Ink a la sloily.

The Spectator

the - (him ittm e constitutional fein s t-, taught in mi.forlmte•s and :at a..1,:irip g • auditor tu . the Engli;th Parliamentary t1,1■11e, , , ro,-pc‘t , Later or treaties of...

The New Zealand Company's ship Bolton was spolien by the

The Spectator

Victoria, arrived at the Cape of Good Hope, in latitude 31 d'e'. 20 see. S., longi- tude 15 deg. 3 see. W. All well. A French two-decker passed the Mauritius on the II.(th of...

Page 8


The Spectator

To-morrow being. the 1st of May, will be k E e x i r ;t HA tt N rt; ' I r M i l u y R d s tt n 3 A . v r:t t . ''T tl E le a'' S na t ' o l c . k Exchange; there hying obly one...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. Lenr1 .T.'. 1,.r ; ,.:.-.;.■. I in t;.:. 'lions: c , :.1. ,- rds 1...st night, for the first tin., -• . : el.d wes lovi.h a e. toierably well, He pre- sented .. ; :...

Adelaide newspapaes to the 11th of December have been received

The Spectator

by way of Ceylon. The 't: a' site:gest:1 that the money subscribed for a monument to the late l'oleeel Light should be applied to the erec- tion of atier either at Ci:se:e1gce...

Qearterly average of the weekly liabilities and assets of the

The Spectator

Bank of Ee eland from the 4th of February to the 28th of April- manirMrtes. ASSETS. Circulation Xln,S*31,1100 Securities X22,7:24,000 Depoi-its 0,) BUllion 4,:18,000...

Files of newspapers front most of the West India Islands,

The Spectator

and from British Guiana, have reunited us this mornieg. A cursory glance at their contents enahles us to say that they contain no news of import- ance; except tine in .L.maisua...

The news in the Paris papers of' Thursday is unimportant.

The Spectator

Some doubt had arisen as to the acceptance of the mediation of France by the King of Naples. A vessel, however, had been ordered to take a French AmbassadorExtraordinarv to...

Page 9


The Spectator

KEEP _MOVING. MANY objects please the eye in a state of motion, which, when at rest and subjected to a leisurely examination, disappoint the ex- pectation altogether. This is...


The Spectator

wAR.055P-E. 'gay . 1.4.1 4 . (I:ands-Gen. 11■• Thai Sir 11'. Lumley, 11.1/.11 from 11,4 4:1, :,.• '',1. Iltto Sir B. Cane, dec. t1;t1 Sir .1, st. t: : : L. S.lu la c ht...

EAST INDIA SilIPI'ING. Ara., 11:1 t:r. Oa, •ital, LitItie11. tt

The Spectator

N1.71 : tal sIttitun .ttItl. :Iota f,'''; I,, ".9 It, tit Pow 53 tat11 ; •t.t, 0.1,t tt, ;11.111. .11.1.1 1,.11,:tal, f.tutuNlathas. .11 I.iut:rpool,Cctit, sir l'etattts...

Page 10


The Spectator

from correspondents, occasioned by onr paper of last week upon this subject. " UNITY " seems to agree in our conclusion ; but he thinks it a defect that we omitted to furnish a...


The Spectator

Wino arc fin., and who against, the Opium War ? These are ques- tions to which a third, of infinitely greater importance—Why should there be an Opium War ?—has this week been...

Page 11


The Spectator

°semi. '.:7th April 1840. SIR—Nothing has so much retarded the progress of accurate thought on sub- jects connected with political economy as the want of tit-fir/Wens. In your...

BURIAL Or By 'clic EST1BT.ISILED C1.1.:11G1. 7 .

The Spectator

OCCASIONALLY complaint,: are midi. of the refus:d of clergymen to read the burial-si-rvic.. Ole Cottrell of England at the funerals of Dissenters. .1 k-Nse ;;,- recenth : . '1...


The Spectator

TO THE Eneroa m"rin: SPECTATOR. is singular (hat, whilst upon this subject there is in Englanul so much difference of opinion amongst able men, all the recent writers upon Cur-...


The Spectator

WE have received a letter relating to the project for a new Sub- scription Circulating Library, noticed in our last week's paper. We are not at present in a condition to answer...

Page 12

THE GERMAN OPERA. a small but

The Spectator

Os Monday evening., the Prince's Theatre was opened by the long. expected German company, under the management of Herr Senumamq of the Grand Opera at Mayence. Der Freisdrutz was...


The Spectator

Tosme wss in the Operehouse on Thursday evening:, in consequence 1' !:.• -t tent of 'Nenrill Ni this season. His not appearin:;• on the t.; era hoards. though r,e•dding in...


The Spectator

Tim concert of Monday indiceted the departure of Easter, the advent of My, the commencement of the season, and the end of all effort on the part of the Philharmonic Directors....

Page 13


The Spectator

COVENT CALI EN, erolific of fanciful and elegant spectneles. has pre- sented the Merry Wives of Windsor, surrounded by scenery and atino- S here as charming and cheerful as the...


The Spectator

MR. BENNETT is a surgeon and naturalist and, incited apparently by the opportunities of' observation it would affbrd him, he accom- panied the South Sea whaler Tuscan as a...

MAY MOlt. N.

The Spectator

A Vt.:HON. Shame be to hint that sits at home and thinks, While all the busy world is out a - Maying ; Better by far, npon the flowery brinks Of streams, that babble as they...


The Spectator

Narrati%e of a Whaling Voytio■t. round tli‘± Globe, from the Tear 1833 to 1836: Porn. him ii t lit i otto it Califurnia, the Indian Arehipela;o, With an Aceaaat ii Switin.rn...

Page 15


The Spectator

THE basis of this volume was a series of articles originally pub- lished in the Colonial Gazelle. The attention which the papers excited in the British North American...

Page 16


The Spectator

Tins novel, by the brother of Mrs. TROLLOPE, proves that the talent of that lady is not peculiar to herself, but a sort of tinnily gift; 1ln . the Rivalry of the brother bears a...

Page 17


The Spectator

Boos.. Narrative ff a Wholiny I'iwereee. round the Glebe, from the year 1533 to 1836. Comprising Sketches of Polyneela, California, the Indian Archi- pelago, &e.; ii ith an...

Page 18


The Spectator

oLD wATER-cot,oull sociETY. Tuts favourite exhibition maietalas its preis2minence ia Scottie Pic- tures and Studies of Character, but is this year deficient in De- signs of...

Page 19


The Spectator

Tins society is not Si) eXtQl1S1Vdy known as it ought to be, and conse- quently has not been able to render that assistance in advancing the fine arts of the country, and...