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The Mahommedan newspapers of London have changed their tactics a

The Spectator

little. As long as they could they denied the occurrence of atrocities in Bulgaria, suppressed the accounts of them, or declared that they were " exaggerated," but as the public...

There is hope, we believe, that Mr. Gladstone will perform

The Spectator

his clear duty at this crisis, and lend his powerful aid to solidify the decision of Englishmen that Lord Beaconsfield shall go, and that Turkey shall suffer the only...

The Powers, it is stated, are pressing for an armistice,

The Spectator

which it would be well to secure, as six weeks would enable the Servians to double their strength, and bring winter nearer ; but Servia is not anxious for peace, the Prince of...

The Daily News has received and published the preliminary report

The Spectator

sent in by Mr. Schuyler to his official superior, Mr. Howard, the American Minister there, after his official visit to Bulgaria. Mr. Schuyler completely confirms the state-...


The Spectator

T HE interregnum in Turkey, during which a knot of Pashas, self-appointed and self-appointing, have managed the affairs of the Empire in the name of a hopeless lunatic, has...

The news from Servia is better than we last week

The Spectator

expected. T-hernaieff, aided by his vigorous lieutenant, Colonel Horva- tovich, w*r4 able to defeat the great attack on Alexinatz, and drive the Turks with considerable loss. He...

1 ,* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator


Page 2

This Government is incurable. On Thursday, Mr. Saul Isaac, Member

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for Nottingham, read to a public meeting a letter from Mr. Bourke, Under - Secretary for Foreign Affairs, in which he admits and blames the atrocities, but insinuates that the...

The America" 1, -k , ‘rviewers have surpassed themselves. " Com- modore "

The Spectator

Vanderbilt, the Amerk...- - P All wav-king," and a tenfold millionaire, is lying dying, and the New York journals publish a column a day of his sayings on his death-bed about...

The general attitude of parties in America in reference to

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the coming election is growing more and more dear. The Repub- licans will support Mr. Hayes to a man, though they do not believe him to be a very good selection. The regular...

How Mr. Gladstone must yearn for the management of Ameri-

The Spectator

can finance 1 The Washington Treasury has just taken another great step towards the reduction of the Debt, having placed £60,000,000 at 4i per cent. with an English Syndicate...

Sir Arthur Cotton, the Indian engineer who believes that canals

The Spectator

would cure all the economic evils of the Empire, and that God created rivers principally to feed them, writes to the Timesadvo- eating the immediate expenditure of £20,000,000 a...

The De'bats publishes some valuable statistics of the way in

The Spectator

which French Rentes are held. It states that no less than 4,172,313 persons hold the French Debt, of whom more than a million have their names inscribed in the great Book of the...

The election for Buckinghamshire will take place, it is stated,

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within three weeks, and both candidates are stumping the country vigorously. They have about equal support among the "fami- lies," or would have, but that Baron Rothschild is...

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Dr. Humphry Sandwith, writing from Belgrade, positively denies that the

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Servians oppress Catholics or Protestants, or Jews qua Jews. As to Catholics, there are none. As to Pro- testants, the Government has built them a church in the capital, and...

The inquiry into the causes of the explosion on board

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the Thunderer ' terminated on Wednesday in a verdict which acquits everybody of responsibility, and with the exception of two men employed in the engine-room, even of blame. The...

Mrs. S. F. Neill states that the cultivation of the

The Spectator

mulberry-tree, which is the first condition of a new production of silk, proceeds rapidly in Australia. The tree was very early imported from the Cape ; she herself imported...

The Donegal election, which was held on Friday week, has

The Spectator

ter- minated in the success of the Liberal-Conservative candidate by a majority of 99. The majority is larger than that by which the lowest of the two Conservatives returned in...

The Admiralty has come to a decision which seems to

The Spectator

be a sensible one, and ought to be recorded to their credit. They have ordered six steel corvettes to be built, each of 2,300 tons, to serve as cruisers in the Pacific and in...

The Episcopal Bishop in Minnesota, Dr. Whipple, has pub- lished

The Spectator

a letter in which he recommends the Government of the Union to abolish the system of tribal reserves, and make a grant of land to every Indian who will settle down upon it. He...

Brittany would appear to be slowly accepting the Republic. The

The Spectator

Comte de Mun, the clerical officer and orator, and the Prince de Lucinge, both of whom were rejected by the Assembly, on Monday presented themselves once more for election, the...

It is asserted that the fall in the value of

The Spectator

silver will have such -an.effect in Nevada and California that the production will only be £6,000,000 a year, instead of £9,000,000, and that as the panic diminishes the value...

According to the latest news from the Cape (August 4)

The Spectator

the Dutch war against the Kaffirs still continues, and is not likely to -end quickly, the Dutch not exhibiting quite their usual energy. Indeed, it is stated that a tribe called...

Consols were on Friday 95 7-16ths to 95 9-16ths.

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SULTANISM IN INDIA. L ORD LYTTON'S order in the Leeds Case,

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upon which the Times dwells on Wednesday, would not be a very im- portant one, did not it seem, with some other circumstances, to indicate that the new Viceroy—who, it must not...


The Spectator

ENGLISH RESPONSIBILITY IN BULGARIA. public meetings held to protest against the conduct of 7[ 1 the Government in sheltering the Turks have become numerous and excited, but most...

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E VERYBODY imagines, or at all events, everybody assumes, that the reduction in English prosperity which is visible in every direction will last but a very little time. New...

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TN the days when the Liberal Party held undisputed posses- sion of the present, and to all appearance, of the future, its abstention from interference in the affairs of foreign...

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the difficulties and sufferings of the period before the potato-

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The one great drawback to Irish prosperity, that which in- failure. But fortunately there is much more than a reduction spires fears for its continuance, is the absence of a...

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official document which the Pasha, the Governor of Crete, has hastened to post up on every street-corner and dead-wall for the information of his charges, is not of a nature to...

THE AMERICAN DEBT. T HE chief financial event of the present

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week has been the publication of the prospectus of the new American Funding Loan. At an issue-price fractionally over par, this form of security will, beyond any doubt, find...

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I T is impossible not to look upon much of the contemporary history of the Corporation of London with amazement and curiosity, such a strange alternation does it present of...

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M ACAULAY, in one of his best known essays, praises the Church of Rome for the power it possesses of utilising all human powers, including even those abnormal mental forces...

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A VIGOROUS effort is evidently about to be made to revive the " glories "—or, to speak more accurately, the "glorious days "—of the old Edinburgh school of literature. Mr....

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T HE free and independent Republic of Chili,—it dearly loves the title which records its hard-won triumph over the grim, grasping, grudging Spaniards who held and hated it so...

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THOUGHTS BY THE WAY ON A BEATEN TRACK. Taos ma SPROUL CORRESPONDS/U.1 The 'Castalia:—Hail, Competition, heavenly maid ! Here is a discovery in naval architecture which must,...

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(To THII EDITOR OF THE SPEOTATOR:1 SIR, —The clergy of Buckinghamshire have just now a terrible responsibility thrown upon them. Lord Beaconsfield, with all his cleverness, is...


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A WARNING. (TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—A Conservative by family tradition, I also have voted with that party chiefly on account of their foreign policy ; but if...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It may seem a paradox, perhaps, to assert that the result• of the Donegal election has been to strengthen the probability of a statement...


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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") Sin,—For more than a century and three-quarters Ireland was looked upon by the people of England and Scotland as the great grazing-farm, from...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE .EPROTATOR.") have shown in a former letter (vide Spectator, August 26), that by requiring Inspecting Generals to collate, verify, and con- firm by their...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPROTATOR.1 know Dr. Tulloch's lectures on "The Christian Doctrine of Sin " only from your review of the 12th inst., and I am not sure whether I...

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AN AUSTRALIAN STATESMAN.* THERE is no portion of the wide field of politics which English public men are bound to study more deeply interesting and instructive, or more...


The Spectator

AMORIS REPUTATIO. IF I at times my fate upbraid With all that might have been, In that sweet realm of Love, fair maid, Of which you were the queen, And think what perfect...

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" WORDSWOR'rli in prose," said a friend, laying down the volumes before us. And that brief sentence contains the secret of Mr. Blackmore's power. It is not merely that he loves...

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Quid ferre recusent, quid valeant humeri, is a question which prose authors as well as poets ought to consider most heedfully. Had Colonel Wilson done so, he clearly might have...

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Tam book, which is dedicated to the young artists of America,. does not claim to be an exhaustive history of the science of which it treats, but is intended as a trustworthy...

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Memoir and Journal of Commodore Goodenough. Edited by his Widow. (Henry S. King and Co.)—Mrs. Goodenough has performed her task exactly as all who reverence the memory of her...

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subject is more than commonly alien to modern thought, though,

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indeed, one part of it has been taken for more than one modern comedy, notably for Racine 's admirable Les Plaideurs. It is difficult to conceive a court of five thousand...

The Quiver of Love. A Collection of Valentines, ancient and

The Spectator

modern. (Marcus Ward and Co.)—It may be doubted whether all the exquisite lyrics which here are enshrined, in all the glory of cream and gold, may fitly be termed "valentines,"...

Sunday Echoes in Week-day Hours : a Tale Illustrative of

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the Parables. By Mrs. Carry Brock. (Seeleys and Halliday.)—Some of the characters in this story are drawn with truthfulness, as the well- intentioned but reserved and...

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Credentials of Christianity. A Course of Lectures delivered at the

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request of the Christian Evidence Society. (Hodder and Stoughton.) —This volume, which is introduced with a preface by Lord Harrowby, contains five lectures on the Christian...

Business. By J. Platt. (Simpkin and Co.)—Mr. Platt has strung

The Spectator

together a prodigious number of conventional truisms, platitudes, and common-places, and interlarded them with a marvellous array of quota- tions from writers of every class and...

East-London Industries. By W. Glenny Crory. (Longmans and Co.) —We

The Spectator

took up this volume with anticipations which have not been realised. A volume which should treat of London as a manufacturing town ought, if well done, to be an important...


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Half-Yearly, 14s. 3d.; and Quarterly, 7s. 2d. ; in advance, postage included Single copy, 6d. ; by post, 6id. To SUBSCRIBERS ne THE UNITED STATES. —The Annual Subscription to...


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Surros—LawaeNce—On August 26th, at the Church of St. George the Martyr, William T. Salton, of 25 Lawford Road, Camden Road, N., to Nellie Lawrence, of Queen's Square,...

Page £10 10

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0 Narrow Column £3 10 0 Half-Page 5 5 0 Half-Column I 1 16 0 Quarter-Page 2 12 6 Quarter-Column 0 17 6 Six Itnea and tinder, 5e, and 9d per line for every additional line...


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AId6 (Hamilton), Mr. and Mrs. Faulconbridge, 12mo (Smith, Elder, & Co.) 2/0 American Pulpit of the Day, 40 Sermons, 3rd series, or 8vo (Dickinson) 3/6 Aunt Louisa's Choice...

It is particularly requested that all applications for Copies of

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the SPECTATOR, and Communications upon matters of business, should not be addressed to the Editor, but to the Publisher, 1 Wellington Street, Strand, TV. C.