16 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 13


Forty Years of Paris. By W. F. Lonergan. With 32 Portraits. (T. Fisher Unwin. 10s. 6d. net.)—As a correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, Mr. Lonergan knew Paris exceptionally well during a number of years, a great part of his youth having been spent there before the occupation of his later life became settled. He might naturally be expected to write a book on Paris full of interest and actuality ; indeed, he has already done so in "The New Parisians." The present book sketches politics and literature in Paris from the later days of the Second Empire to the present time. It contains a good deal of more or less enter taining gossip, more or less valuable criticism, literary and dramatic, and some pages well worth reading on the conflict with the Vatican. The interest of the book is very decidedly increased by the collection of portraits, which includes all the best-known men of modern France. Some of these studies in physiognomy are curious and characteristic: some are not altogether reassuring. "The Third Republic," says Mr. Loner- gan, "has been a regime of mystery and mystification; and those painstaking people the historians of the future will have a tough task in dealing with it."