Socialism And Municipal Trading.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPROTATOR:1 Sin, — I have just been reading the article in last week's Spectator in which you try to remove the doubts of a corre- spondent who fears lest......
A Working Man On Socialism.
[To TH2 EDITOR OP THE “SPROTATOR."1 Sra,—In view of the increased activity among the advocates of Socialism, the views of one in whose interest it is supposed to be designed may......
The Municipal Elections.
[TO TER EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I read with great interest your most able article on the above in last week's Spectator. May I, as a mere provincial ratepayer, give my......
The Free Churches And Education. ' [to Thr Editor Or Ter
Sew riTos.-] Six,—Will you allow me, who am a thoroughgoing Pro- testant, to beg ministers and lay members of the Free Churches to consider how the influence of the whole......