Tommy's Tiny Tales, By The Dowager Lady Leigh And Hon.
Agnes Leigh (Wells Gardner, Dayton, and Co., ls. 6d.), are between thirty and forty in number, gently didactic—the naughty boys and girls escape the awful fate of "Don't Care......
Peter Pan Picture Book. By Alice B. Woodward And Daniel
O'Connor. (G. Bell and Sons. 5s. net.)—This book, with its story and its pretty pictures—quite original and vigorous bits of work—is "intended to enable children to revive their......
Two In Somaliland.
Two Dianas in Somali/and. By Agnes Herbert. (John Lane. 12s. not.)—Chivalry and fair criticism alike force us to give the place of honour among recent sporting books to the Two......
Current Lite Ratu Re.
THE CAMBRIDGE MODERN HISTORY, VOL. X. The Cambridge Modern History. Planned by the late Lord Acton, Professor of Modern History. Vol. X., " The Restoration." (Cambridge......
The Boy's Own Annual And The Girl's Own Annual (4
Bouverio Street, 8s. each), the yearly volumes of these periodicals, will be as welcome as ever. We have staid on more than one occasion that they are well adapted to the......
The Little Burma Girt. By Nell Parsons. (r. Culley. 2s.
Gd. net.)—This is a very pretty, simple story of a Burmese beauty who marries a chief from the mountains, goes through various troubles, and comes happily out of them. The......
Messrs. Treherne And Co. Send Us Specimens Of Their "
Ilumpty- Dumpty Books," such as Jack and the Beanstalk, and of their " Stump Books," such as The House that Jack Built. The price of each is 6d. net.—Other well-got-up......