16 NOVEMBER 1907, page 19

In Reality The Rise Of The Motor Industry Gives The

strongest possible proof of how entirely unnecessary it is to foster an industry by Protection, or rather, we should say, how Free- trade is by far the best foster-mother. If......

There Is Little Fresh To Record In Regard To The

financial condition of America, except that there are as yet few, if any, signs of a real restoration of public confidence. But till such confidence is restored the prospect......

The Show At Olympia Has Filled The Newspapers During The

past week with accounts of the immense strides made by the motor industry throughout the United Kingdom. The Daily Mail declares that "no disinterested spectator can examine the......

Since Our Manufacturers Were Not Allowed The Enervating...

comes from taxation intended to force the public to buy a home-made article rather than the best article and the cheapest article, they were obliged to turn out something which......

Mr. Birrell Concluded His Speech By Repeating That The...

was doing its best to put this thing down, At the same time, he would not be bullied or cajoled by any persons or newspapers here or in Ireland into a departure from a course......

The Incident At Portsmouth Reported In Monday's Papers...

significant and disagreeable commentary on Sir John Fisher's optimistic speech at the Guildhall last Saturday. It appears that, in consonance with instructions from the......

We Have Received From The President Of The Isle Of

Thaneb Conservative and Unionist League a copy of a letter addressed by him to the president of the Isle of Thanet Conservative Association,—the body which supports Mr. Marks.......

Lord Curzon, Chancellor Of Oxford University, Has Been...

Oxford to familiarise himself with the duties of his office, as he generously conceives them, and on Monday after- noon he visited Ruskin College and made a short and excel-......

Bank Rate, 7 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.

Nov. 7th. Console (2k) were on Friday 81i—on Friday week 81k.......