16 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 19

The show at Olympia has filled the newspapers during the

past week with accounts of the immense strides made by the motor industry throughout the United Kingdom. The Daily Mail declares that "no disinterested spectator can examine the exhibits at Olympia without reaching the conclusion that the British motor industry has at last made up all its leeway," and that "the British motor-car of to-day compares most favourably with the best product of the French and German workshops. Indeed, in the matter of price the British manu- facturers are well ahead of their rivals." It further states that the industry in Britain has now an output of eight millions .sterling per annum, and has begun to export, while the importation of foreign cars is declining. Yet the Daily Mail has the hardihood to speak of the trade having " over- come the disadvantages of Free-trade," as well as those of hostile legislation and of roads unsuited to motor traffic.