16 NOVEMBER 1907, page 42

In The Footprints Of Dante. Compiled By Paget Toynbee....

and Co. 4e. 6d. net.)—Here we have a "Treasury of Verse and Prose from the Works of Dante." Dr. Toynbee has gone to Cary's version for his extracts from the "Inferno," and to......

The Municipal Manual. By Albert E. Lauder. (p. S. King

and Son. 8s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Lauder explains the constitution of local governing bodies, and then discusses in detail the various matters with which they have to deal. These are......

We Have Received From Messrs. Schott And Co. The Four

parts (2s. each) of Wagner's Ring of the Niblung—Rhinegold, The Valkyrie, Siegfried, and The Twilight of the Gods—in which the text of Wagner's poem is printed page by page with......

Old English Sports. By F. W. Hackwood. (t. Fisher Unwin.

10s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Hackwood writes on a subject which is always interesting to Englishmen. He does not tell us anything new, but he knows what he is writing about, and has a......

New Enrrioxs.—history Of England. By Lord Macaulay....

and Notes, by T. F. Henderson. 5 vols. in "Rontledge's New Universal Library." (G. Routledge and Sons. ls. net per vol.)—Mr. Henderson's introduction gives an appreciation of......

We Have Received The Proceedings Of The British Academy,...

(H. Frowde, 25s. net). Now that the Royal Society may be said to restrict its proceedings to science, the Academy has before it the aim of occupying the fields of literature,......