16 NOVEMBER 1907, page 29

An Important Problem Of Political Economy.

LTO THU EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR] SIR, —The letter in which Mr. Harold Cox had set forth the monetary doctrine which I maintain in "La Science &ono. mique" has provoked an......


THE ISSUES IN RUSSIA. LTO TIM EDITOR Or TIM 'SPECTATOR."] Sra.,—Repression is now far stronger and far more systematic throughout Russia than it was in 1904, before the first......

Letters To The Editor.

MR. BALFOUR'S LEADERSHIP. (TO TIM EDITOR of THE "SPEOTATOR.1 SIR,—I sincerely trust your article in the issue of Novem- ber 2nd in support of Mr. Balfour will be widely read,......

A Prime Minister On Constitutional Reform.

[TO TILF EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR; SIR,—I have just read Sir Henry Campbell-Ba,nnerman's speech on the Lords. It is that of a skilful party leader as well as a. highly respected......