The Botnanee Of Modern Sieges. By Edward Gilliat. (seeley...
Co. 5s.)—The first siege is that of Gibraltar (1779-82), the last Port Arthur (1904). There is no need to draw comparisons between these two, but it is significant that both are......
The Romance Of Savage Life. By G. F. Scott Elliott.
(Seeley and Co. Ss.)—Mr. Elliott's industry has collected a large pot- pourri of facts curious and entertaining, and set out with some skill and cohesion ; but there is much......
The Song Of Hiawatha. By H. W. Longfellow. Illustrated By
Harrison Fisher. (E. Grant Richards. 7s. 63. net.)—The illus- trator of Hiawatha has a difficulty before him which he can never quite overcome. The poet's braves, and fair......
Tangerine : A Child's Letters From Morocco. Edited By T.
Ernest Waltham. (A. and C. Black. 3s. 6d.)—Thoso pages are exactly what w9 should expect from the sub-title,—impressions of Tangier such as a girl might put in her letters. The......
The Olive Fairy Book. Edited By Andrew Lang. (longmans
and Co. 6s.)—The fairy-tales in this volume come from various sources,—India, France, Turkey, Armenia, and Denmark. Mr. Lang talks to us in the preface of Perrault, the......
The Boy's Own Annual And The Girl's Own Annual (4
Bouverio Street, 8s. each), the yearly volumes of these periodicals, will be as welcome as ever. We have staid on more than one occasion that they are well adapted to the......
The--tales He And Others Told Each Other As Children,...
as more wild creatures were added to the list, and in later years gaining form and consistency as he learnt the conditions of wild life. He gives chapters from the lives of the......
With Wolseley To Kumasi. By Captain F. S. Brereton. (blackie
and Son. 6s.)—Dick Stapleton finds himself at Cape Coast Castle with a business that is sadly on tho wane. When he is in the lowest water his chance comes to him, and he uses......
Disk's Angel. By Mrs. Edwin Hohler. (a. Constable And Co.
3s. Od.)— Dick's sister turns out to be by no means angelic ; in fact, she runs away, and Dick, ever loyal to her, thinks the best way of taking care of her is to go with her.......
The Sniper. By F. Cowley Whitehouse. (j. Nisbet And Co.
3s. 6d.)—The " Sniper," so-called from his surprising skill with a catapult, distinguishes himself at school, at Woolwich, where he qualifies with great success for the......
Heroes Of Pioneering. By Edgar Sanderson, M.a. (seeley...
5s.) — There are stories which cannot bo told too often, and Mr. Sanderson tells them well. We begin with Walter Raleigh, and the man who is rightly called the " real founder of......