16 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 8

The Boy's Own Annual and The Girl's Own Annual (4

Bouverio Street, 8s. each), the yearly volumes of these periodicals, will be as welcome as ever. We have staid on more than one occasion that they are well adapted to the audiences to which they are respectively addressed. It may be that more girls will read the boys' paper than boys will read the girls', but that is an observation which has very wide pertinence, and not as concerns the young only. It must suffice to repeat a judgment many,times expressed in.these columns, that these are two excellent magazines. —Another- pair which may be appropriately mentioned at the same time are Young England (The Pilgrim Press, 5s.) and The Girls' Empire (A. Melrose, 5s.), both claiming, and not, we may venture to say, without justification, something of a " Pan-Britannic " character,—meant, i.e., for English-speaking children all over the world, a very wide public for the reaching of which they have our good wishes.—For younger readers there is The Child's Com- panion (R.T.S., ls. 63.), a venerable periodical, but capable of new departures. —The Cottager and Artisan (same publishers, ls. 6d.) appeals to another public.