16 NOVEMBER 1907, page 30

An Important Problem Of Political Economy.

LTO THU EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR] SIR, —The letter in which Mr. Harold Cox had set forth the monetary doctrine which I maintain in "La Science &ono. mique" has provoked an......

[to Rss Editor Or Thr "seircraroa."1 Six,—the " Quantity...

" of money is a very essential postulate of political economy. The "iron theory " of M. Guyot merely distracts and misleads. If the "iron theory" of the rise of prices after the......

The Free Churches And Education. ' [to Thr Editor Or Ter

Sew riTos.-] Six,—Will you allow me, who am a thoroughgoing Pro- testant, to beg ministers and lay members of the Free Churches to consider how the influence of the whole......