We have received the Proceedings of the British Academy, 1905-6
(H. Frowde, 25s. net). Now that the Royal Society may be said to restrict its proceedings to science, the Academy has before it the aim of occupying the fields of literature, archaeology, law,—perhaps, we should add, psychology, which can hardly be described as among the provinces of irievhae. Literature proper is not very strongly represented in the volume before us. Its archaeological aspect may be seen in Mr. John Rhys's papers, " Celtae and Galli" and " Celtic Inscriptions of France and Italy." Science has something to say in Dr. Savanna Thompson's paper on "P. Peregrthus de Maricourt and his Epistles de Magnets." Dr. T. E. Holland discusses " Neutral Duties in a Maritime War," and Sir E. Fry the " Rights of Neutrals." One of the most important papers is that of Sir A. C. Lyall on "The Moghul Empire in Relation to the Modern History of Asia."