16 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 19

Since our manufacturers were not allowed the enervating encouragement which

comes from taxation intended to force the public to buy a home-made article rather than the best article and the cheapest article, they were obliged to turn out something which would beat the foreigner on its merits. This compulsion has been of immense benefit to them, and they have now placed the industry on a sure foundation. They have got the best possible security against foreign competition,—they have learned how to make a better and a cheaper article than their rivals. It may be worth while to note in this connexion how Free-trade acts as a potent but legitimate bounty to industries. Our system of Free-trade makes all the component parts, and, indeed,, the whole cost of the motor, except labour, far cheaper here than abroad, with the result that after the material has been paid for there is a much larger margin of profit for both capitalist and workmen. There is, of course, nothing exceptional about the motor industry. What has been done there can be done, and is being done, in plenty of less conspicuous trades.