16 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 19

We have received from the president of the Isle of

Thaneb Conservative and Unionist League a copy of a letter addressed by him to the president of the Isle of Thanet Conservative Association,—the body which supports Mr. Marks. Major Powell-Cotton points out in his covering letter to the Press that " in November last Mr. Marks, in the House of Commons, denied the accuracy of the statements contained in a letter addressed to the Speaker, and attacked the motives and veracity of the writers." When it became evident, however, that Mr. Marks had no intention of resorting to a Court of Law, the writers petitioned the House for an inquiry, but without result. Next, detailed proof of the truth of the letter was compiled from authentic records and published in pamphlet form, and sent in March last to every Member of the House of Commons. On this, Mr. Marks read, as justification of his conduct in not vindicating the honour of the House of Commons, a letter of exoneration from the Central Council of the Isle of Thanet Conservative Association. Major Powell-Cotton draws atten- tion to the fact that this Council, though it has had several months in which to consider the facts, has failed to discover a single inaccuracy in the pamphlet, and its damning evidence stands conclusive and uncontradicted. Major Powell-Cotton adds that three facts are now clear: (1) that he and his friends have proved their case ; (2) that Mr. Marks wilfully misled the House of Commons when he accused the writers of the letter of malicious falsehood; (3) that the inquiry which he put forward to the Members, as a vindication of the honour of the House, is a palpable and worthless sham. Surely the time has come when the House of Commons should call upon Mr. Marks either to vindicate his character by an action in a Court of Law, or else to resign his seat. Nothing could be worse than the present situation.