Tommy's Tiny Tales, by the Dowager Lady Leigh and Hon.
Agnes Leigh (Wells Gardner, Dayton, and Co., ls. 6d.), are between thirty and forty in number, gently didactic—the naughty boys and girls escape the awful fate of "Don't Care "—and adorned with pretty pictures.—Puss in Boots, by Gladys Davidson (Allenson, Is. net), is a "fairy tale in rhyme." We must own to a prefer- ence for prose.----The Old, Old Myths of Greece and Rome, by Thos. Cartwright (W. Heinemann, 1s. 6d. net), is sufficiently described by its title. The tales are told in simple language, and the children are helped in the pronunciation of the somewhat difficult names. On p. 75 the " e " in Thetis should not be marked long.—From the same publisher and by the same author we have tales of the Norse mythology with the title of One for Wod and One for Lok (1s. 6d.), a Lincolnshire proverb which takes us back to the days of which the frequent Lincolnshire termination "by" reminds us