16 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 9

Messrs. Treherne and Co. send us specimens of their "

Ilumpty- Dumpty Books," such as Jack and the Beanstalk, and of their " Stump Books," such as The House that Jack Built. The price of each is 6d. net.—Other well-got-up picture-books for young children are A Post-Card Painting Book, by John Hassell and Will Kido (Dean and Son, ls.), with the models to be imitated on one side, and the outlines on the other.—From the same publishers : Puff Puff A.B.C. (6d.) ; The Night Before Christmas (4d.) ; The Babes in the Wood (6d.); Aladdin, by David Brett (6d.) ; Friends and Favourites, with good pictures of animals (1s.) ; There's Something on the Wire (1s.) ; The Pig-Book, intended for the game of drawing a pig with the eyes shut, a thing which, "A. Piggo" justly observes, most people can do as well as with their eyes open.—Funny Bunnies. Verses by B. Parker. Illustrated by N. Parker. (W. and R. Chambers. $s. 6d. net.)—The pictures are very good, and the verses at least up to an average.—The Wishing Cap. By Ruth Cobb. (T. Nelson and Sons. 3s. 6d.)—The pictures are unusually spirited and original.—Praiseworthy too are both pictures and verses in The Bumbletons, by Millicent and Githa Sowerby (Chatto and Windus, ls. Gd. net).—Our Little Dots. (R.T.S. ls. Gd.)- The annual volume of a good magazine, the illustrations deserving of much praise.—Somewhat older children will appreciate the picturesque outlines and gay colours of Good Queen Bess (D. Nutt, 5s.), with its representations of scenes in the Queen's life from her childhood down to the "Last of the Invincible Armada."—For them also are intended " The Pixie Books" (Sisley and Co., ls. net), such as The Ice Maiden, by Hans Christian Andersen; Oliver Twist, Retold by Edith Roberts; and Gulliver in Giant Land, by the same.—The Story of Beauty and the Beast, Translated from the French by Ernest Dowson (John Lane, 10s. 6d. net), presents an old favourite in a handsome dress. —Berni:, and Susanna, Verses by May Byron, Pictures by Elliot Parkinson (Blackie and Son, 3s. 6d.), gives a set of humorous pictures with appropriate verses, relating the adventures of two black children.—From the same publishers we have also Blackie's Children's Annual (3e. 6d.), with historical anecdotes, scenes from child-life, with pictures of varying quality, some being very good.—Childhood, Illustrated by Millicent Sowerby, Written in Verse by Githa Sowerby (Chatto and Windus, 3s. 6d.), the pictures with a certain elegant prettiness, the verses not so good as they might be.—Harry Rountree's Annual (Cassell and Co., 3s. 6d. net) is on a higher literary level, and is meant for more advanced readers. It has contributions from writers of distinc- tion. The illustrations are excellent.—The Rhyme of a Run, Written and Pictured by Florence Harrison (Blackie and Son, 6s. net), is broadly comic, and effective in its way.— Every Boy's Volume (4 Bouverie Street, 2s.) is the annual volume of Every Boy's Magazine, Edited by George Andrew Hutchison.