16 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 17


THE German Emperor and Empress arrived at Ports- mouth on Monday afternoon on board the' Hohenzollern,' after being delayed some time by fog in the Channel. They were met by the Prince of Wales, and travelled at once to Windsor. At Windsor Station they were met by the King and Queen, and here, as at Portsmouth, they were most heartily received by the crowds in the streets. At the State banquet in St. George's Hall, Windsor Castle, on Tuesday night, the King, in giving the toast of the Emperor and Empress, said that he should never forget the kindness and sympathy of the Emperor at the time of Queen Victoria's death, and added that he fervently hoped for the maintenance of peace. The Emperor, in referring with evident feeling to the ties which had bound him since childhood to the ruling house of Britain, said : " Among these memories stands fore- most the figure of my revered grandmother, the great Queen, whose image is imperishably engraved in my heart." The Emperor then continued : " It also is my earnest. wish that the close relationship existing between our two families may be reflected in the relations of our two countries, and thus confirm the peace of the world, the maintenance of which is as much your Majesty's constant endeavour as it is my own."