The King's sixty-sixth birthday was celebrated at Sandring- ham on
Saturday last. A special interest was lent to the pro: ceedings by the presentation of the Oullinan diamond, the gift of the people of the Transvaal to the King. In acknowledging the gift, the King expressed his great appreciation of the loyalty of the people of South Africa. He has also transmitted an answer through Lord Elgin acknowledging the cordial con- gratulations and good wishes of the Transvaal Government, accepting for himself and his successors this valuable gift as a token of the loyalty and attachment of the people of the Transvaal, and signifying his intention of having "this great and unique diamond" kept and preserved among the historic jewels which form the heirlooms of the Crown. The incident of the gift of the diamond by the new Transvaal Government is very picturesque, and also, in our opinion, very satisfactory.