16 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 33


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I point out one reason which would not probably occur to your correspondents in favour of Prayer-book re- vision P As a Nonconformist, I note that there is amongst the Free Churches a growing disposition in favour of a set order of services framed on the model of the Prayer-book. Many congregations have already adopted an order suited to their own tastes and requirements. It is a pity that some attempt is not made, even among Free Churches, to establish a common order. A shortened Prayer-book service, revised so as to make it better understanded of the people, would stand an excellent chance of being adopted outside the borders of the Established Church. It appears to me, therefore, worth while making this suggestion in view of any attempt being made to adapt the Prayer-book to modern views and requirements. I have little doubt that many Free Churches would adopt it for the sake of uniformity and to relieve their services of much that is unchastened and that jars on a cultivated ear. Would not such a service also, whilst securing a certain amount of uniformity, make for that unity in spirit for which we all

[Our correspondent's suggestion is most interesting. The probability of the adoption of a revised Prayer-book by the Free Churches is a strong argument for revision, provided always that revision can be obtained by something like the general assent of all parties in the Church.—En. Spectator.]