16 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 41

Across Persia. By E. Crawshay Williams. (E. Arnold. 12s. 6d.

net.)—Our author belongs to the class of born travellers to whom travel is an existence in itself, and who need little edneation or training for their part. Fe- such happy individuals Asia is the only part of the world likely to give them their money's worth, and the country par excellence is Persia. The management of a Persian caravan fairly tests the temper and tact of a European, for of all Orientals the Persian is the most incorrigibly casual, idle, and procrastinating, and possesses the most circuitous mind and the least defined principles. Mr. Williams made his return to Europe from India vie. Persia, landing at Bushire and stopping at Shiraz, Persepolis, Isfahan, and Teheran. He tells us in leisurely fashion what ho thinks of the scenery, the inhabitants, the remains of Persian grandeur and Greek enter- prise. And he often amuses himself and us by details of Persian manners and methods. A traveller devoid of the sense of humour is unthinkable, and the author must have found its possession an invaluable quality at times. He is a kindly humourist, and a very patient one. He is very successful in presenting some of the more striking places to us,—Persepolis, a picturesquely situated village called Yezdikhast, and others. He travelled with his eyes wide open, and can give us not a little valuable information. As Persia, it is scarcely necessary to add, must in the near future figure largely in Asiatic polities, we cannot afford to despise any knowledge of the country, whether from scientific or unscientific sources.