READABLE NOVELEL—A Breach of Promise. By Eleanor Holmes. (Hurst and
Blackett. 6a.)—A striking little story containing a portrait of an almost superhumanly delightful old lady.—The Heart's Banishment. By Ella Macmahon. (Chapman and Hall. 6s.)—This is a story dealing with the struggle in the mind of a clergyman of High Church proclivities whom fate has made an excellent playwright. In the end the spiritual nature prevails. —Vronina. By Owen Rhoscomyl. (Duckworth and Co. 6s.)— This story may be described as a manifesto of Welsh nationalism. There is a vivid picture of the Revival, and the Disestablishment question is dealt with from the non-political point of view.— The Progress of Hugh Bendal. By Lionel Portman. (W. Heine- mann. 6s.)—A lively story of Oxford life, the boating scenes being given with special force. But is it not absurd that two undergraduates, one a boating Blue, the other captain of the University eleven, should be the rival heroes of the love story ?