Seraphica. By Justin Huntly McCarthy. (Hurst and Blackett. 6s.)—This is
a very well contrived tale, and told so excellently that the clever contrivance is set off to the best advantage. Mr. McCarthy's style is never otiose. Ho always writes well, and sometimes brilliantly. The Duchess Seraphica, weary of the tedious state of her little Court, and somewhat moved by personal pique, dares a very bold escapade. Adventure follows adventure; situation after situation is depicted, always novel, often un- expected, and yet never impossible. The time is of the Regency of Philip of Orleans, and most of the people whom we meet are of doubtful, or scarcely doubtful, character. Seraphica herself is a pure, right-minded young woman, with more knowledge of the world than the French ingenue is supposed to possess. The story is not one which we would recommend virginibus puerisque, but it is all through on the right side.