20 OCTOBER 1917, Page 11


S18,-1 do not know, personally, Captain Bowen-Colthurst, but I am thankful that you are interesting yourself in his cause, for the cruel and callous way in which he is being treated, and the injustice of it, make one feel hot and bitter. You must remember one thing in writing of Ireland. It is quite simple. If a Nationalist (or Sinn Feiner) murders one of the " English garri- son, especially a policeman or official of any sort, he is a pure- coaled patriot. If, however, the policeman or loyalist happens to kill hint, even by accident in a street row, the Sinn Feiner becomes a murdered hero, a martyr, and the other man a mur- derer. Our Government appear to do all they can to encourage

this view.—I am, Sir, Sc., ONE OF THE ENOLISH GARRISON."