20 OCTOBER 1917, page 14

Ito Me Editor Op Rue " Sem-rime.") Sut,—your Article "a

Decimal Coinage for the Empire" will, I hope, attract attention to a much-needed reform. Looking at the question from a special point of view, I cannot but feel some surprise......

[to The Editor Op The Spectator."] Sts,—your Article On "

A Decimal Coinage for the Empire" holds out a most cheering prospect for those who, like myself, find figures " kittle cattle" to deal with. Bat is it necessary to use the very......

Women's National Service.

[To THE EDITOR OF THU " SPECTATOR."3 Ste,—In your issue of October 13th the following statement occurs in a paragraph dealing with National Service: "The general appeals made......

[to Me Emma Or The " Seecricoa."1

Sin,—To the decimal system advocated in your last number there is one serious objection in the fact that a coin would be intro- duced half the sine of the smallest coin in......

[to The Emcee Or Run " Firscriroe.") Sir,—the Abolition Of

the threepenny-piece would be excellent— per Sc, but 1 fear that 10-mil piece '.—I ant, Sir, Ac., CHURCHWARDEN.......

A Decimal Coinage For The Empire.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE SPECTATOR."3 SIR,—Therearetwochief reasons for introducing a decimal coinage: (1) Provided that decimal weights and measures, and especially the metric......

More Beer.

[To THE EDITOR or ran " Smorsroa."] SIR,—Will you allow me to make a few comments on the article under the above heading which appears in your issue of the 19th us et.? Like the......

Divorce And Separation.

(To THE EDITOR or ran SPECTATOR.") Sra,—We of the Divorce Law Reform Union earnestly born that we may have the support of the Spectator in our efforts is improve time shocking......

A Word To Housewives.

[To THE Herron 07 THE firscriroa."] Sta,—Sir Auckland Geddes emphasizes the fact that there is a great demand for the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, especially for women with......