20 OCTOBER 1917, page 1

It Is Said That Both Houses Of Parliament Are Abort

to pass votes of thanks to the Armies in the field. We hope that this will be done. The thanks of Parliament are an ancient and honourable form, not sufficiently used in them......

Tho Germane Have, To The Time Of Writing, Made No

attempt to counter-attack our men on the ridge or on its north-western slopes. They bombarded the ridge on Monday, but their infantry did not move. On Tuesday the enemy......

We Cannot Guess Whether This Graceful And Completely Sat...

expression of confidence was in any way prompted by some rather violent criticisms, particularly in the Globe, of the relations between the Primo Minister and our military......

The Royal Flying Corps, Without Intermitting Its Work On Our

immediate battle-front, mate a successful raid into Germany on Wednesday afternoon. Our airmen attacked a factory to the west of Saarbrilcken, forty miles within the German......

The Situation Would Be Full Of Danger If Them Were

any ground for supposing that the members of the War Cabinet, while nominally reposing their trust in Sir Douglas Haig, were in reality peering over their shoulders to look for......

The French Army Has Had An Agitated Week Of Raids

and counter- raids, with several German attacks in force at Verdun and on the front north of the Aisne. The attacks came to nothing, but the enemy is evidently nervous about the......

News Of The Week.

rilHE Prime Minister, on behalf of the War Cabinet, htur sent a JI. message of warm congratulation to Sir Douglas Haig upon the achievements of the British armies in Flanders in......

The Heavy And Persistent Rain Of Last Week, Which Turned

the battlefield of Western Flanders into a quagmire, restricted the MIMOSA of the great attack of Tuesday, the 9th, on the Passchendaelo Ridge. Despite the rain, Sir Douglas......

The Paper Shortage.—we Trust That Readers Of The...

give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the " Spectator" to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......