20 OCTOBER 1917, page 15

Causes Of Industrial Unrest.

(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."' Sia,—The writer of the article on this subject in your ieaue of the 13th inst. very properly emphasizes the importance of a correct......

(to The Moron Or The " Fiercriroa."1 Sia,—the Fallacy Of

your argument under the above heading is this: (I) " Ordinary " persons do not eat the same amount of meat, bread, and sugar, &c., &c. (2) A beer-drinker eats less of the above......

What Is India?

[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."' Sta, — If, as your correspondent Mr. B. Houghton says (Spectator. October 130), " nearly all India, without distinction of race or language......

Indentured Indians In Fiji.

(To THE Eerroa or sue Srecraroa."1 Sra, — Your correspondent, the author of The New Pacific, writing from Sydney about the Indians in Fiji, mentions the shortage of Indian women......

More Beer.

[To THE EDITOR or ran " Smorsroa."] SIR,—Will you allow me to make a few comments on the article under the above heading which appears in your issue of the 19th us et.? Like the......

A Curious Coincidence.

(To THE Enema or zee " Sesocrwros.."1 Ste, — It would be very interesting to know what may he Mr. Lucas's authority for the story quoted in the review in last Saturday ' s issue......

The Sukhomlinoff Trial.

(To THE EDITOR or 7. " EIPECILT011."1 Suf i —After reading your most interesting article on General Sukhomlinott, I all left with the impression that one rather im- portant......

The Canadian Boat Song.

(To THE EDITOR or TEE " SPECTATOR."" SIR, — The quotation of the appealing lines from "The Canadian Boat Song " has naturally awakened the interest felt by many of your readers......