20 OCTOBER 1917, page 12

Goethe On The British.

[To rue Eurros or roe " 5rsorsroa."1 SIR,—The follow ing extract from Goethe may possibly interest some of your readers who are asking themselves what the great masters of......

[to Ire Torsos Or The Spectator."]

RSE,—Referring to the remarks in your last two issues respecting Tennyson's rhyme of "hundred" with "thundered," I suppose the writers are too young to remember, as I do, that......

[to The Torsos Or The Spectaiop."i Sie.—an Even Worse...

of imperfect rhyming than that of " hundred " with " wondered " is in the same poem where "hundred " is rhymed with " onward "! Tennyson made free use of the so-called "......

[to The Torsos Or Rim " Sescrsroa."1

Rm.—Professor Hearnshaw's article entitled "Tennyson Twenty- five Years After " in your issue of the Gth inst. cannot fail to have given pleasure to many of your readers. Those......

Switzerland And The War.

[To THE EDITOS or THE SPECTATOR."] SIL—Tour issue of September 1st contains a very interesting review—headed "Switzerland and the War "—of four books on that subject, and that......

[to The Edito1 Op The .. Speetator."3 Ste,—" Hundred" Is

not so imperfect a rhyme to " thundered " as Professor Hearnshaw conceives, nor is it necessary to follow your correspondent of last week in supposing a syncopated form of the......

[to The Editor Or Ran Spemton."] 6111.—has Not Professor...

in his interesting article overlooked abut is sorely 'Tennyson's worst rhyme occurring in the bust four lines of " The Lord of Burleigh "?— " Then her people, softly treading,......

It° The Eiht01 Or The Spectator...3 Fir,—i Much Doubt...

Mr. Carr is correct in his explana- tion of Tennyson's rhyme of " thundered " with " hundred." At the time he write the poem " hundred " was always pronounced " hunderd," as......