20 OCTOBER 1917, page 13

Goethe On The British.

[To rue Eurros or roe " 5rsorsroa."1 SIR,—The follow ing extract from Goethe may possibly interest some of your readers who are asking themselves what the great masters of......

The Teaching Of Christ Respecting War. Fto Tan Editor Or

ran SPECTATOR.") Sia,—The following letter was written to a Manchester newspaper as a comment on the assertion of one of its correspondents that Ile must not disobey the......

After The War.

(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sua n —A good deal is being written upon the conditions of the expected peace, upon a League of Nations, and upon disermament. Surely we......

(to The Editor. Or The Spectator.") Sir, —i Read Mr.

P. H. Walker's letter in your last issue with much interest. I had already had my attention culled to the Cheltenham resolutions to which he refers. As a Free Church- man, and......

Christian Unity And Usefulness.

(To THE EDITOR or THE SPECTATOR.") Ste, Writing from a Wesleyan manse, and as one who, on this many-sided subject, has aforetime taxed the Spectator's hospi- tality, may I......

Divorce And Separation.

(To THE EDITOR or ran SPECTATOR.") Sra,—We of the Divorce Law Reform Union earnestly born that we may have the support of the Spectator in our efforts is improve time shocking......