20 OCTOBER 1917, page 11

Jowett And Tennyson.

CTo sus Forms or rue " arm-mon:1 Sea,—The interesting article by Professor Hearnshaw in your issue of October 6th tempts me to make a few random remarks on Tennyson and his......

Tennyson's Anachronisms.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPUNATOR."3 Sur,—Professor Hearnshaw, whose article on Tennyson 1 have just read, apparently considers it a weakness in the " Idylls" that rude warriors......

Captain Bowen-coltieurst.

[To THE EDITOR or ens " SPECTATOR."] Sta n I am sure you are right about Captain Bowen-Colthurst. I was Professor of Tactics, Military Law, and Administration at the Royal......

Letters To The Editor.

[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often snore read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the apace.] "SCRAPS OF PAPER." (To THE......

Tennyson's Rhymes.

CTo ran Enema or THE " SPLETATOR."3 STE.—Professor Hearnshaw is rather wide of the mark when 110 ref Wele to credit Tennyson with any false rhymes. A cursory inspection has......

[to The Editor. Or The Spectator."3

S18,-1 do not know, personally, Captain Bowen-Colthurst, but I am thankful that you are interesting yourself in his cause, for the cruel and callous way in which he is being......