20 OCTOBER 1917, page 16

"colly Weston."

(To ran Enron or lee " SPECTATOR.") Sun,—In this county of Northampton ono of the best-known taro- verbial expressions is "It's all along o' Colly Weston." There is a village of......

Meredith The Obscure.

Its the Roma or THE SPE4TATOR."3 Sin,—The voice of Meredith the " obscure," the "prose Browning," speaks out clearly enough now. For instance, from One of Qur Conquerors, "If we......

The Canadian Boat Song.

(To THE EDITOR or TEE " SPECTATOR."" SIR, — The quotation of the appealing lines from "The Canadian Boat Song " has naturally awakened the interest felt by many of your readers......

A Parsons' Ambulance Corps. Lto Me Bones Or Rut Spemt03.")

Srs,—The Bishop of London desires me to say that, as you have taken such a keen interest in the proposal to form " Parsons' Ambulance Corps," he thinks that you may like to......

" Sursu3i Corda I " Ito The Editor Or The

SFECFATOR."1 Stn,—I think that perhaps the beauty and calm hopefulness of a seventeenth-century epitaph may have a message for many of your readers who have suffered through......