20 OCTOBER 1917, Page 16


Its the Roma or THE SPE4TATOR."3 Sin,—The voice of Meredith the " obscure," the "prose Browning," speaks out clearly enough now. For instance, from One of Qur Conquerors, "If we won't learn that we have become Continentals we shall be marched over "; or, " Well, then, conscript them, and they'll be all of a better pattern. The only thing to do, and the cheapest"; or again: "Instead of asking him [the Kelt] to for- give, which he cannot do, you must teach him to admire"; which I interpret : Instead of dosing the Irishman with political compromises, help him to understand the splendour and greatness

of the British Empirg,--I am, Sir, Le., A LOVER or MmsEWtre.