20 OCTOBER 1917, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THU " SPECTATOR."3 Ste,—In your issue of October 13th the following statement occurs in a paragraph dealing with National Service: "The general appeals made early in the year for men and women to whom there was no definite employment to offer were both wasteful and discouraging." This statement is incorrect as regard.: women. The only appeals issued by the Women's Section were in reply to specific requisitions made on the Department by the War Office and Board of Agriculture. More than fourteen thousand women were placed in employment in response to those appeals, but no general registration of women was ever under-

taken.-1 am, Sir, &e., Man TRICSIART. [We regret that we should have used any words which could be regarded as unjust to the Women's Section of National Service. —En. Spectator.]