20 OCTOBER 1917, Page 2

It is difficult enough to build up a new Service

during the abnormal conditions of war even when the facts are clear before one and it is possible to build on a sure and solid foundation. But Sir.David Henderson's circumstances were much worse, and what he has dons under perplexing conditions has earned the gratitude of the nation. We hope-that the most difficult period is now past, and though it is neoessary to do more than ever before—the vista of our needs continually opens before us—the work will be done in a clearer light. General fialinend, who has risen to his high post at the very early age of thirty-six, carries with him the complete confidence of all those who have to do with flying. He is himself a proved flying man ; he has ideas as well as nerve ; and with both these things he has the enthusiasm which has not yet had time to become stale. A young Service is best equipped with young men at the head of it.