20 OCTOBER 1917, Page 2

Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Asquith were prompt and decisive

in replying on behalf of the British people to the German Foreign Secretary's assertion that Alsace-Lorraine constituted the only "'absolute " impediment to peace. On Thursday week, the day on which Herr von Kuhlmann's speech was published here, the Prime Minister took an opportunity of saying that, " however long the war may last, this country intends to stand by her gallant Ally, France, until she redeems her oppressed children from the degra- dation of a foreign yoke." And Mr. Asquith, speaking- on our war-aims at Liverpool the same day, showed that the restitution of Alsace-Lorraine to France was as indispensable a condition of peace as the complete evacuation of Northern France, Belgium, Serbia, Wallachia, and Western Russia. So long as the German Government are resolved "never" to surrender Alsace-Lorraine so long we shall continue the war. If our French Allies have had any doubts as to British feeling in regard to Alsace-Lorraine. they are now, we trust, completely reassured. The wrong done to France in 1871 must be righted, for it was the genesis -of the armed peace that led to this war.