20 OCTOBER 1917, Page 3

Admiral von Capelle, the German Secretary for the Navy, is

reported to have resigned. It is said that lie went fa thee in attacking the Independent Socialists as accessory to the naval mutiny than the Chancellor thought desirable. It seems to be believed in Germany that the Admiral exaggerated the importance of ,the mutiny in order to, score a point against the only genuine Opposition party in the Reichstag. The other parties forming the majority resented the Admiral's debating methods, and Herr Michaelis may have shared their view. It is not, however, cafe to assume that any German Ministerial changes are due in fact to adverse criticism in the Reichstag, which has no power over the Emperor's servants. The errors of the honest Pacificists who think that they detect a democratic movement in Germany are due in the main to their mistaken belief that the German Parliamentary system is a reality .tr.d not a sham.