20 OCTOBER 1917, Page 3

Sir Robert Borden has shown great wisdom and courage iii

forming a Coalition Ministry in Canada. blight well-known Liberals, headed by Mr. Rowell, of Ontario, and Mr. Sifton, the Premier of Alberta, have joined his Conservative Cabinet. The Military Service Act was passed by the help of their section of the Liberal Party, and will now be enforced with their co-operation Tho coming General Election will tam on National Service, but the outcome no longer seems doubtful- It is a matter for regret that no French-Canadian Liberal has seen his way to enter the Coalition Ministry, and, above all, that Sir Wilfrid Laurier has declined to support a union of parties on the great national issue. But Canada has come to the turning-point when the majority, however anxious it may be to conciliate the minority, must prevail. Quebec alone cannot frustrate the wishes of all the other provinces of the Dominion, if the General Election ends in a decisive victory for the Coalition.